Monday, November 16, 2009

Did you Know. . .Don't read if you like Fig Newtons!?

I found this out a couple of years ago and have NEVER had a Fig Newton since.

If you made Fig Newtons for a living and you wanted to know how many insects could get into your Newtons without your getting into hot water with the FDA, you could look it up on the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Food Defect Action Levels Web site. Here you would learn that fig paste is allowed to have up to 13 insect heads per 100 grams.

Did you Know. . .Don't read if you like Fig Newtons!?
oh. my. gawd.
Reply:GROSS! i never eat them any way.
Reply:read something similar about insect legs in chocolate bars, doesnt put the millions who eat them off them, this wont either, just think of it as added protein-making chocolate good for you lol!
Reply:I didn't know insect heads were that tasty.
Reply:So what?
Reply:Well, aren't insects edible. In some regions of the world they eat fried crickets, roaches, grasshoppers, and tarantulas
Reply:Oh well, they still taste good
Reply:yummy adds flavor and protein LOL
Reply:its for a lot of foods. not a secret.
Reply:Very interesting article. I guess that's something we are just going to have to live with. Like, I love hot dogs and sausage, I just don't wanna know how they are made. I don't enjoy the fact that bugs are in my food. But who knows, maybe some of our favorite foods have a distinct flavor because of the bugs in it, like the aphids. Like the guy said, most bug protein is actually good for you and is better than beef. I don't think I'm gonna go out and buy a cricket burger anytime soon though. I think we will be OK just as long as we don't start serving "Soylent Green" It's People, IT's PEOPLE!!!

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