Saturday, November 14, 2009

Jesus cursed a fig tree and it died. Mathew said withered at once but Mark said it didn't whither until the

next day. Who is right? Also, isn't it kind of persnikity to curse a tree for not having fruit on it? This incident occured in the Spring and Fig trees in that area don't start bearing until months later.

Jesus cursed a fig tree and it died. Mathew said withered at once but Mark said it didn't whither until the
I would say one day is pretty immediate.

And the story is meant to illustrate a spiritual principle. You should try to figure out what that principle was - it will help you to understand why neither Matthew nor Luke are exclusively "right."
Reply:I stopped believing in the Bible years ago.
Reply:Mark didn't say that it didn't HAPPEN until the next day, just that the disciples did not comment on it until the next day.

A fine point that you conveniently left out.

Jesus said that he was doing this to make a point about faith.

And i don't see how it is cruel, since trees cannot feel, as far as we know,

Mark 11:20

Matthew 21:19
Reply:He was talking about Israel and how they were rejecting Him and showing no spiritual fruit. Jesus spoke this parable in Luke 13:6-9...

“A certain man had a fig tree planted in his vineyard, and he came seeking fruit on it and found none. Then he said to the keeper of his vineyard, ‘Look, for three years I have come seeking fruit on this fig tree and find none. Cut it down; why does it use up the ground?’ But he answered and said to him, ‘Sir, let it alone this year also, until I dig around it and fertilize it. And if it bears fruit, well. But if not, after that you can cut it down.’”

Jesus ministry lasted 3 years. God gave Israel one more year to repent and accept Messiah. They did not, and Rome cut them down in 70 AD.

pjerry2 - But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.- 1 Corinthians 2:14
Reply:each gospel is told by the writer differently. i think the website provided below will give you the ans needed
Reply:First off...

If I told you that my mother got sick and died....

Then my brother told you that his mother got sick, lingered for a few days then died...

Both statements are true.

The curse of the fig tree is to show Jesus' authority over the creation.
Reply:lol! I think Jesus was in a bad mood, isn't he allowed? The disciples were idiots...The Gospel accounts differ in many ways. Some include some things, others don't. I think it points to the diversity that has existed within the Christian community from its beginnings.
Reply:Jesus used the fig tree to illustrate the bad spiritual state of the nation. While traveling from Bethany to Jerusalem four days before his death, he saw a fig tree that had abundant leaves but no fruit whatsoever. Since the early figs appear along with the leaves—and sometimes even before the leaves develop—the tree’s lack of fruit showed that it was worthless.—Mark 11:13, 14.

Like the unproductive fig tree that looked healthy, the Jewish nation had a deceptive outward appearance. But it had not produced godly fruitage, and it finally rejected Jehovah’s own Son. Jesus cursed the sterile fig tree, and on the following day, the disciples noticed that it had already withered. That dried-up tree aptly signified God’s forthcoming rejection of the Jews as his chosen people.—Mark 11:20, 21.

There was no contradiction among the two Bible writers about the condition of the fig tree that Jesus cursed. Matthew's account shows the tree withered instantly. Mark's account of the same insident reports on the condition of the tree the NEXT day, although the withering of the tree took place the day before.

Those with little understanding are quick to say the Bible contradicts itself, when in actuality, it does NOT.
Reply:Yeah, yeah, yeah. We ALL know that there are contradictions in the Bible and yadda yadda yadda.

Find another bugaboo - this one's gettin' real old.

Reply:another evil doing of God
Reply:PJerry, My donkey is from that region, and he says that around the Mediterranean Sea, the Barley harvest comes in around passover, as well as grapes and figs.

Fig trees are such that they bring on fruit and leaves simultaneously, thus Jesus expected fruit.

However, you are correct that it was odd for Him to curse the fig tree, but He had come from Heaven and rightly wanted the Jews to have lived according to the dictates of Heaven. However, He found hypocrisy, bigotry, and outright sinning among His leaders. And they were going to KILL HIM. So he said to that fruitless fig tree what Israel´s fate would be: YOU SHALL NOT BEAR FRUIT AGAIN.

Concerning the different accounts, that is one reason you know the Gospel is not faked, because each author says that history as he sees it. Police know that when everyone´s story is exactly the same, it is faked. Thus, the differences in the Gospel tell us it was not faked, and each witness spoke as he saw it.

Yes, my donkey is pretty smart. Blessings, Balaam
Reply:They wrote it 4 decades after he died. Makes you wonder how accurate the rest of it is.

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