Monday, November 16, 2009

How do you get rid of a fig tree?

We have a fig tree that we didnt plant and we have cut it out many times and it keeps coming back every year! It comes up from under the porch(its under the concrete and i cut it under the dirt) But it still comes back. Is there a chemicle that will end this thing?

How do you get rid of a fig tree?
I have a mulberry doing the same thing, I feel your pain!

Two choices: cut the plant back whenever you see it! Don't let it send up enough leaves to refeed the root system. It would take several years, but it would eventually die out.

Second, chemical intervention. This is a bit trickier. Applying chemicals at the wrong time will be useless. So you have to let the plant grow some each year, but that's not to say you can't be keeping it "small" with pruning. Then about June or so spray it with a fortified Roundup solution. This is where you take a gallon of warm water, even hot is fine, and slowly stir in the fertilizer ammonium sulfate (21-0-0). It's very common and easily found. Keep pouring and stirring until no more fertilizer will dissolve. You now have a saturated solution. Now strain this (in case there's a bit of undissolved fertilizer in the bottom and add the appropriate amount of Roundup CONCENTRATE, not the premixed stuff, for a gallon of water and then 2-3 drops of dish washing liquid. Now spray your fig! Every 3-4 weeks make up new solutions and spray again. You can't use this early in the season because the plant is not taking in material for storage. You have to wait until it is in the storage mode for the chemical to reach the roots.

Will this work totally in one year? Probably not, but you'll have made a big dent. Do it again next year.

Like you my mulberry is hiding and only visible when it is strong enough to push past it's companion plant. By the time I see it (and remember it is there) it has begun storing energy. However, with a year of Roundup applications, it is not a happy camper at all....when usually by now it is robust. So maybe next year I can say complete success!
Reply:******* Hello---I am a Certified Master Gardener. *******

In order for the fig tree not to repeatedly sprout, it has to be completely removed at the roots.

Toxic chemicals are no guarantee that it will not return.

If it is in an inaccessible area, you can hire someone to dig it up by the roots.

I sincerely hope this helps you.

Reply:We just got rid of one this year!

After cutting it down to the ground, the lawn service dug out the roots.

If we see any life, we are going to put plenty of RoundUp on it.


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