Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fig question?

Do you like fig? Why or why not?

Fig question?
i love love love fresh figs. the best figs i have ever had were in amman jordan. when they are in season, they sell them on the side of the road in cases for so cheap. they were unbelievable! havent been able to find any in the states that compare. mmmmmmm figs!
Reply:no.i can only eat about 1 every hour or so because the taste is kinda weird!
Reply:I like figs because they taste good. Many years ago, my aunt made a fig pie. Haven't had one since.
Reply:sure Fig Brownies
Reply:i like them. they taste sweet and are very good for you as well.
Reply:Fig newtons.......mmm, mmmmm.

How can I help my fig tree produce better figs?

I inherited a very large old fig tree that produces many figs. But they don't ripen! They go from small and green to small purple and too dry to eat. Is this just a matter of watering more? If so, how can I make my watering more efficient to reach more roots?

How can I help my fig tree produce better figs?
If you are in the UK then the chances of getting good ripe figs every year is small. Ideally they like hot temperatures - say up to 35C - to swell the fruit and make sufficient sugars for sweet fruit.

You don't say if the tree is in the ground or in a big pot. If it is in the ground then consider making some sort of container of 10 -20 litres with a tiny (1 or 2 mm) hole that you can stand next to the tree to drip water continuously when it is filled. Several smaller ones around the tree would work just as well. Add a general fertilizer to the water according to the manufacturer's recommendation. The tree will produce more roots wherever you trickle the water. I had several when we lived in southern Spain.
Reply:Where do you live? What type of soil do you have? Are there pollinators around? Dammit Watson!, I cant make bricks without clay!
Reply:hey you people must not be paying attention,,she said she' s in northern California, and a tree this big has to be in the ground a pot would nt hold it;;now to the problem, the tree needs severe pruning, here in Mississippi i prune mine every winter, to keep it bout 8 to 10 feet tall, fertilize it with triple 8, and only water it bout once a month, if we don't get at least an inch of rain, cut off the largest branches first , and make the tree look like a giant umbrella , this also helps air circulate thru the branches, as for as pollination is concerned, fig trees are self pollinated
Reply:i think the heat has some thing to do with it. may be you should add some sand to your soil, and not sand from the beach because the salt will kill the plant.

after the sand is added water will be able to reach the roots easier and it will recieve the water much faster. the more water the better. in the summer water thouroghly every day, in the winter only water if in the 80s and since it probably wont dont water at all because if the groung is saturated when it freezes the tree may loose a few leaves or drop figs or not make any at all until new year IF YOU WATER IT IN THE WINTER
Reply:Be sure to cover the tree with a fruit/tree netting to keep the birds from pecking your fruit. You can buy these at nurseries and a few larger gardening centers. OR on the internet.

We had one we shared with our neighbor and collected lots of fruit from it each year. We found out that you need to eat them within a couple of days or can them. Seems they go bad pretty fast after they are picked.

Chrisitans: Why did Jesus get angry & kill the innocent fig tree? Mark says clearly it was "not fig season"!!!

Mark 11, 12-20. What is the moral lesson keeping in mind that the fig tree was clearly just being "a fig tree". I partially understand if it was actually fig season and it bore no fruit however it was "NOT the season for figs".

Please use your own thoughts and words when replying.

Chrisitans: Why did Jesus get angry %26amp; kill the innocent fig tree? Mark says clearly it was "not fig season"!!!
Seeing from afar a fig tree having leaves, He went to see if perhaps He would find something on it: Essentially, the tree was a picture of “false advertising,” having leaves, but no figs. Ordinarily, this is not the case with these fig trees, which normally do not have leaves without also having figs.

For it was not the season for figs: It wasn’t that the fig tree didn’t have figs, because it wasn’t supposed to. The problem is that it had leaves but didn’t have figs. The leaves said “There are figs here,” but the figs weren’t there.

There were many trees with only leaves, and these were not cursed. There were many trees with neither leaves nor fruit, and these were not cursed. This tree was cursed because it professed to have fruit, but did not.

In response Jesus said to it, “Let no one eat fruit from you ever again”: The tree is cursed for its pretense of leaves, not for its lack of fruit; like Israel, it has the outward form but no fruit. In this picture, Jesus warned Israel - and us - of God’s displeasure when we have the appearance of fruit, but not the fruit itself. God isn’t pleased when His people are all leaves and no fruit.

In all works in the ministry of Jesus, this is the only “destructive” miracle. The Old Testament is filled with miracles of destruction and judgment, but Jesus most perfectly showed us the nature of God. If this was the only miracle of its kind, we must see there is a great and important lesson in it. God doesn’t approve when there is profession without reality, talk without walk.
Reply:firstly, was Mark there? Because He gave a brilliant account of an 'incident' on a boat that He wasnt on, He heard it second hand....

secondly... The fig tree was used to signify i.e its symbology ... some were not ready/willing to accept who Jesus was, they were dead to His teachings.
Reply:Maybe he was just really, really frustrated and decided to take it out on a non-human.
Reply:The fig tree represents Israel, they were offered all God's blessings and now the greatest blessing of all was among them, but they weren't ready . . . they let the innocent Tree of Life be killed.

If you really care for fig trees then their growth %26amp; fruitfulness is one of the many blessings they were offered, but they were not willing to obey.

How do people find you - bearing good fruit, or covering up your own shame with leaves only??
Reply:Jesus was hungry--the tree wouldn't feed him--so he spat the dummy--%26amp; cursed the poor tree to die.
Reply:The fig tree represented Israel , most didn't accept Jesus , so they bore no fruit. They will after the rapture.
Reply:Jesus spoke in parables. However, I do believe He did kill the fig tree. It was symbolic of those that don't "bear fruit" or have good works. They will die. Not that works alone can save us, only Jesus can do that. However, "faith without works is dead" and a person without faith is as dead as that fig tree (spiritually)
Reply:Precisely. It wasn't the season for figs, but the tree's creator was hungry. It should have produced fruit regardless of the season.

The whole thing is an object lesson - you know, like you use with little kids. Rabbis of Jesus' time were always using object lessons. The tree represented the people of God who were without the 'fruit' desired by their God. So Jesus illustrated what would happen to them (in 70AD or thereabouts) by cursing the tree.
Reply:He was showing the power of faith.
Reply:Jesus used the fig tree as an illustration for His disciples. It was not done just to kill the tree but to teach them in a way that they would remember. Jesus knew that they were entering Jerusalem where He would be killed. He used the fig tree as an illustration and a warning of what ultimately awaits those who oppose the kingdom of God, like the Jewish leaders of that day. Rather than bearing useful fruit,the nation was misusing its privileges as God's people
Reply:His father was a psychotic who did not mind at all destroying his creations when he was of a mind to. His son simply had less psychotic tendancies than the parent. Jesus was most likely a good man because of the association he had with Joseph--who raised him. Didn't read anywhere where Joseph taught his son about how to mass murder--that was his fathers job--due to the contamination by joseph he wasn't very good at being psychotic--so he only messed with fig trees as an outlet.
Reply:Jesus did not get angry and kill an innocent fig tree
Reply:Poor fig tree. Should we all bow and say a prayer?
Reply:oh look at the religious robots' answers. they all came up with different interpretations.....silly robots. they can't even agree on something simple as a dead fig tree. to think they go about basing their lives on what the bible supposedly 'said.' sad indeed.
Reply:to kill would mean the tree had a life. however, they don't.

I think, therefor I am. Trees don't think, they don't have a life.

I could care less what happened to the tree and why
Reply:There was a demon possessing the tree. It was the real object of the Lord's ire. Just guessing.
Reply:I could not help you with this in my own words so I looked in some commentaries which were not very helpful on this passage. Your question is a very good one. This is the best I could find, but the actions that Jesus took against the fig tree still seem odd. I like the way you put it: "the fig tree was clearly just being "a fig tree".

Any way here's something:

Mark 11:12-26

This was intended to be a type and figure of the doom passed upon the Jewish church, to which he came, seeking fruit, but found none (Luke 13:6-7); and though it was not, according to the doom in the parable, immediately cut down, yet, according to this in the history, blindness and hardness befel them (Rom 11:8,25), so that they were from henceforth good for nothing. The disciples heard what sentence Christ passed on this tree, and took notice of it. Woes from Christ's mouth are to be observed and kept in mind, as well as blessings.

(from Matthew Henry's Commentary on the Whole Bible: New Modern Edition, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1991 by Hendrickson Publishers, Inc.)
Reply:He didn't kill it He cursed it.
Reply:It is absolutely hysterical that the bible thumpers are bending over backwards to excuse their Saviour for acting like a spoiled brat, just because he was hungry.

They have done Exactly what their own bible tells them NOT to do...to ADD or TAKE away from anything in the Bible.

Mark makes a definite point of saying "..HE WAS HUNGRY"....there is no parable in THAT....Mark continue: '..."He SEARCHED and found nothing but leaves"....and he was so pissed off, he CURSED it, "May no one ever eat of your fruit again".....and just to show how REALLY pissed off he was, he heads right for the temple and starts whuppin' the money changes and turning over their tables!!!!. Next day when Peter notices the tree was DEAD...Jesus gets really cryptic and tells him "Have faith in God"....because faith can remove mountains???? What the hell does THAT have to do with the dead fig tree?????

Face it, the simple fact is: Jesus was hungry, he was peckish, he was pissed off and he took it out on the Fig tree and the money lenders. To turn this into an Anti-Jewish parable is simply a continuation of the Anti-Semitism that stunk up Christianity for years.
Reply:To help us understand Romans 11.

The fig tree is a picture of the Jews (not to be confused with the Olive tree of Romans 11).

The Significance of Romans 11 is that the Jews will be temporarily blinded for a while, but then in the end, they will be revived before the second coming of Christ.

This also helps explain Jesus mentioning of the fig tree in prophecy (Matt. 24:32-33).
Reply:I'm not an expert in figs. The commentaries I've read, however, say that the figs come before the leaves. The leaves come out to protect the figs from the sun. If there are leaves on the tree, it is promising that there are figs ripening.
Reply:That was a parable.

Jesus did not kill the Innocent fig tree. Beside the fact I don't know any tree or plant to be guilty of anything or innocent. It is a parable to how a person is wasting their potential. If you have the ability, per say, to play a piano. don't waste that gift, and play music tell your heart sing. The tree is supposed to produce, and not producing is way of wasting its' potential for what is was supposed to.

The fig tree is us. Two points. Have faith, and don't waste your potential.

My thoughts, and words.

Thank You.
Reply:Jesus never got angry and killed an inoccent fig tree. That's blasphemy. Secondly, it was a parable, just to prove a point.
Reply:%26lt;shrugs%26gt; If God wants figs out of season, He should get figs out of season. If God said the sky was purple it would be true, so the fig tree was being rebellious, lol.
Reply:He was a carpenter, he needed wood.

Fig Trees....?

I have a fig tree that is about to ripen. I have just been told that when it comes to them being ripe, it will be a race between me and the birds as to who gets them first.... Any suggestions on how to keep the little winged things away aside from putting me or a picture of me in the tree??

Fig Trees....?
My dad always had a problem with the birds beating him to the figs. He won the battle by hanging a fine net over his figs. He attached one side to the fence and the other down to the ground. He loves to sit outside eating his delicious figs while the pouting birds watch! Good luck in your battle.
Reply:We always had plenty of figs available on our tree in Florida, with no competition for the birds. Just be careful when picking ripe figs, occasionally a bee or wasp may be on them. I got stung that way once.
Reply:I agree with BAS. A net will keep them out of the tree. You can pick up the nets at places such as nurseries. Talk to the manager or a knowledgeable clerk on the best way to use netting.

Another thing you can do is get outside a little before the birds are awake and active. Beat them to the fruit before they can feast on the figs. lol

kick scooter

Fig pudding recipe?

Does anyone have a recipe for traditional fig pudding with hard sauce? An out of state relative sends it to us for thanksgiving but she wont tell us the recipe. I really want to surprise everyone at

Christmas and make it for my family Thanks...

Fig pudding recipe?
Figgy Pudding


1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, at room temperature

2 eggs

1 cup molasses

2 cups dried figs (about 1 pound), stems removed, chopped fine

1/2 teaspoon grated lemon peel

1 cup buttermilk

1/2 cup walnuts, chopped

2-1/2 cups all-purpose flour

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon salt

1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg


Whipped cream


In an electric mixer, cream the butter until fluffy. Add the eggs and molasses and beat again. Add the figs, lemon peel, buttermilk, and walnuts and blend 1 minute. Add the remaining ingredients and blend until everything is incorporated. Grease and flour and 8 by 4-inch souffle dish and pour in the batter. Bake in a 325-degree F. oven for 1 hour, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean. Spoon the pudding out onto plates or cut it into wedges. Garnish with the whipped cream.

Yield: 12 servings
Reply:I think you should create your own special holiday signature dessert. Trust me it will keep peace in the family. More so if they are over 50. good luck.
Reply:Fig Pudding


2 cups bread crumbs

4 teaspoons baking powder

1 teaspoon ground cinnamon

1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg

1/2 teaspoon ground cloves

1/2 cup butter

1/4 cup milk

4 eggs, beaten

2/3 cup white sugar

2 pounds dried figs, quartered

1/2 cup chopped pecans


In a large bowl, stir together the bread crumbs, baking powder, cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves. Cut the butter into the crumb mixture using a pastry blender or two knives until the mixture is coarse and crumbly. Butter lumps should be no larger than peas. Mix in the milk, eggs and sugar until well blended, then stir in figs and pecans. Cover, and let stand for 30 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 250 degrees F (120 degrees C). Grease a large pudding mold. Give the batter another stir before transferring to the prepared pudding mold. Place the mold into another larger baking dish, place the pudding mold and dish into the oven, then fill the outer dish with at least 1 inch of water.

Steam for 4 hours in the preheated oven, or until the pudding is firm. Cool slightly before removing from the mold.

Hard Sauce


1/2 cup butter

1/2 cup white sugar

1 tablespoon brandy

1 dash almond extract


In a medium mixing bowl, cream together the butter and sugar. Beat in by degrees the brandy and a drop of almond essence.

Fig tree question?

7 yr old tree, leafs and furit on the ends of the branches. It use to be full of leaves and fruit. We live in San Diego, any suggestions for a fuller tree with more fruit? It produces a green fig, gets water 3 x per week is about 12 feet tall, do you prune these trees? Thanks for your help!

Fig tree question?
fig trees form their fruit buds and leaf buds at the end of their branches, so as the years go on, they get more and more spindley looking. I would assume this is where you are at.

Most people who want a busher looking fig, start pruning when it is young and do maintenance each year to maintain it. If you haven't pruned at all, the I would say you would need to do a drastic prune in order to get it back. Prune when dormant only! You may not get any fruit back the first year, but the subsequent year should be great. The result will be a busher, fuller looking plant with lots of fruit. Consult your local nursery if you are not sure how to prune. Even though it is easy, there is an art to it.
Reply:In fact, fig trees don't bear too much water(watered 3 times a week! that's too much,once every ten days is more than enough.).Dig the earth aroud its trunc alittle,and put some mane there(animal waste).Good luck.

Fig trees in the Bible?

I'm writing a paper on the role of trees (fig trees especially) across the Old and New Testaments. I am familiar with all of the references to trees in the Bible, but I am having some trouble finding good secondary resources. Does anyone know of any good scholarly journal articles or books that discuss the arboreal imagery in the Bible?


Fig trees in the Bible?
My pc bible has several commentaries and articles and spurgeon sermons.. would you like me to cut and paste any of it for you? or send you some of the names of commentaries?
Reply:Type arboreal imagery fig trees....in google and see what pops up....there must be articles or books along these lines.

Here, I will do it for you...check out all the links here..
Reply:HarperCollins bible dictionary has some good, but short, articles on trees mentioned in the bible. Complete list:

trees (general)



Fir Tree




Tree of Life


Reply:Try Jerusalem post in search engine, good luck.
Reply:I know that fig trees in biblical times were known as "the people's tree". It was not against the law to go onto someones property to eat from the tree.

Fig, dissolve fat, prices????

Ive heard about Fig, a new fat dissolve treatment, does anyone here knows how much it costs, to get it done?? Thanks

Fig, dissolve fat, prices????
sorry but all I know about Fig is that it is a fruit.
Reply:Stop the nonsense. Snake oil salesmen abound. Use common sense and your doctor's advice; don't expect anything but scams from so-called "alternative medicine" practitioners. Wasting your money on crap like that is like giving donations to organized crime.

Eat less and exercise. Sorry, it's the only way!

P.T. Barnum said, "There's a sucker born every minute." Judging from this site, that was a conservative estimate!
Reply:if you are talking about figs, the fruit, then it is possible that they work in a similar way as pineapples or grapefruits, meaning, that they contain less calories than it takes your body to digest them, meaning they are helping you burn more Kcals and therefore loose weight. But I really don't know if figs work the same way, but if people say they help you loose weight, my guess is that they do.


Could I use fig pastry filling in a pie?

I went shopping for some pie fillings and ideas for other pies.. and I got rum mincemeat, pecan and then I got what I thought was fig pie filling. It was fig pastry filling! So, I need these pies for tomorrow, big party, and I need to know if I could use the pastry filling.

And one more thing...

are those three pies, southern?

many thanks

Could I use fig pastry filling in a pie?
Saved you!!


2 c. peeled, ripe figs, mashed %26amp; sweetened to taste

1 pkg. Cool Whip

1 (3 oz.) pkg. strawberry Jello

2 egg whites



Combine sweetened figs and Cool Whip. Prepare Jello according to package directions. Chill until very thick. Add 2 egg whites and beat until very thick. Add figs and Cool Whip mixture, a few chopped pecans and a little grated coconut. Pour into 2 baked pie shells and chill or freeze

Reply:Fig pastry filling will just be more dense- but it should be fine. I would make a tart with it though- like a pie with no lid and place a slice of fig on each tart to caremelize.

Seriously, this time: why did Jesus curse the fig tree?

I'm actually curious. Since it wasn't the season for figs, why did Jesus curse the poor tree to dry up from the roots? I know that he was angry at the time anyway, but isn't it a little mean to curse an innocent tree? Couldn't he have just... magicked some fig onto the tree for himself?

Mark 11:12-20 (KJV)

12And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry:

13And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet.

14And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it.

And then a little later, after throwing over some tables of some gamblers (in a temple, not just for the sake of it)...

20And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots.

Thanks for any answers, and good day everyone.

Seriously, this time: why did Jesus curse the fig tree?
If you read the two accounts of the fig tree, one has Jesus cursing the fig tree prior to entering the temple, while the other account has him leaving the temple. The temple is key to the story. The author's admission that figs were out of season is also important to it.

The fig tree represents the temple itself, and by extension, ancient Jerusalem. Jerusalem as the seat of power of Israel itself. Jesus approaches the fig tree (the temple) seeking fruit (acts of righteousness) and find none. He then curses the fig tree (the temple) to never produce fruit again. The tree withers and dies.

Shortly thereafter, Jerusalem was destroyed, along with the temple, and the temple has never been, and will never be rebuilt. Jesus said to the fig tree "never produce fruit again".

The story is a prophecy of the coming destruction of the temple. After the story of the fig tree, the gospel becomes more and more apocalyptic. The fig tree is used as a literary device,and the author states that figs were out of season to communicate that.
Reply:Because when God asks you to do something, you do it! God was quite capable of forcing the fig tree to produce fruit no matter what season it was. He could do miracles, remember? He should be able to just snap his fingers and the tree should produce fruit. So when he approached the tree and it didn't produce, He cursed it.

He also used this as a spiritual lesson for his disciples. If we don't "produce fruit" when the Lord comes a-callin', we're in trouble.
Reply:Because even though it was not the time of figs, Jesus knew that on this particular species of fig tree there grows little buds which later become the figs. These buds are really sweet and so were sometimes picked by people walking past. As there were no buds, this tree would never bear fruit. And so it was stealing nutrients from the soil but giving nothing in return. Thus Jesus cursed it.
Reply:He did it as a parable in order to prove a point. That is the Christ happened upon the tree suddenly and the tree wasnt prepared and was lacking fruit. In the same way we are to be fruitful and always be prepared for Christs unexpected return.
Reply:Israel is represented several times in the Bible as a "fig tree" because of her disobedience, the nation was scattered. If you see, the nation is coming together again.
Reply:The Savior's name is YAHOSHUA. The fig tree was advertising, but not producing. Just like the 'Jewish' nation. It was an acted parable. An object lesson to the Jews who were not producing fruit.
Reply:I suppose he was under a lot of stress at the time and he took out his anger on the poor fig tree.

I really don't have a concrete answer, though.
Reply:First off you picked and choose Scripture out of it's context. Try reading it word for word.
Reply:Maybe the Fig are the true fruit that God told Adam and Eve to not eat it than the Apple itself.
Reply:cuz he was having a bad day??
Reply:I'd say hasse_John's answer is the most accurate.
Reply:He can do it today. He can take care of us when we are not bearing the fruit
Reply:The fig tree represents a curiousity in the fruit tree world.

While it was not the season for the figs, the tree had none the less sprouted its leaves.

For fig trees, the fruit develops PRIOR to the tree leafing out. For the tree to have leafed out, it would have already had to have born fruit. The leaves develop after the fruit, and provide shade from the sun, after the fruit begins to grow.

The tree was screwed up; it leafed out first, thereby using it's natural strength to provide shade, instead of bearing fruit.
Reply:I agree with a couple of previous answers that mentioned the lesson Christ was teaching about being ready for His soon coming.

However, I believe He also intended to teach Israel a lesson (at that time) because He had come to them, and instead of being the nation they were intended to be-- to proclaim Christ as the Lord and Savior --they rejected Him. He already knew they would do this and no longer be God's chosen ppl after His death. Sure enough, the gospel went to the gentiles after Jesus ascended to Heaven.


Actually, I think the figs should have been on the tree at the time Christ found it and cursed it...but I'll double check that.
Reply:The fig tree stood as a symbol for the Jews themselves and the fact that they were not producing fruit.They were not producing fruit to God, the fruit of repentance. They did not acknowledge that Jesus was their Messiah, much as most Jews do not today.

One day, the Bible tells us, they will acknowledge Jesus as their saviour, and they will mourn because they will realise what was done to Jesus in their name.
Reply:You have to know some context about the nature of fig trees; if leaves appear but there aren't any figs on the tree, it means that there won't be any there.

Jesus' search for figs on the tree, then, was a hopeless one. Basically, he cursed the tree to be barren because it was already barren.

In my estimation, this passage is more a message about faith than it is about the actual tree. He says his curse within the hearing of his disciplies and, when they see his curse take shape, they're all amazed--it's a prime time for Jesus to point out the power of faith for them.

The tree is just a means for him to do so--as for the tree, it was probably already barren, considering it hadn't produced fruit yet. So, Jesus' curse wasn't really a curse; it's almost as if he'd said, "Let the Sahara desert dry up."
Reply:The figtree and the vinyard are metaphors for 2 Essene Missions in Rome run by the ruling Herods, the brothers Antipas and Archelaus who replaced Herod the Great after his death. There was no king on the throne during the life of Jesus, but 2 surviving sons of Herod the Gt. were allowed restricted rule over certain areas.

The images of the vinyard and the figtree were associated as images for Israel in the Old Testament. The mission headed by Antipas was known as the Vinyard because they drank wine, and the Party led by Archelaus was known as the figtree because they did not drink wine and were attached to the Egyptian Therapeaut as Healers. They were both Herodian missions, and in a parable, as Luke says, "A figtree was planted in the vinyard"

The figtree mission failed to prosper, hence the comments from Jesus.

If i bury a fig newton in fertilized ground water it and let it get plenty of sun will it grow into a fig tree

by fig newton i mean the cookies. and by grow into a tree i mean fig(the fruit)tree/bush

If i bury a fig newton in fertilized ground water it and let it get plenty of sun will it grow into a fig tree
No. The fig seeds were sterilized/killed by the cooking process. However, you might be able to get one to grow from seeds if you can find a store that sells fresh figs.

Good luck.
Reply:The seeds in the the newton filling have been cooked and therefor killed. It would be the same as trying to grow strawberries from strawberry jam...couldn't work.
Reply:No it will not grow a Fig tree but probably provide some animal who will dig it up a nice meal
Reply:I will have to go with no on this one. Although the "newton" has seeds in it they are not viable because of all the processing they have undergone. Figs are easy enough to grow by seed or small plant, no need to waste the incredible "newton".
Reply:You have got to be kidding me?
Reply:yea, it'll grow into a fig tree as will the sausage tree that my dog so conveniently buried next to it when he went into the garbage and found a sausage roll and decided to save it for another day...gosh, maybe we should try to bury a pint of milk to go with the cookies although it would require a different soil and while we're at it a cardboard can of biscuit dough to go with the sausage would be great too, no?

Matthew 24 fig tree parable?

in Matthew 24 the bible says:

"“Now learn the parable from the fig tree: when its branch has already become tender and puts forth its leaves, you know that summer is near"

What is it referring to when it says "you know that summer is near when the fig branches become tender and puts forth its leaves?

Matthew 24 fig tree parable?
fig tree=Israel

summer=Christ's return

we are told we don't know the hour or the day of Christ's return

But Christ in this scripture you quoted, tells us not only the arrival of the summer but the beginning of the preceding season, spring when tree shoots get tender. Tender shoots are the very earliest signs of spring and that summer is on it's way.

Spring=when Israel's shoot are tender=1948 Israel became a nation. In another part of scripture a prophet says some thing interesting . He says whoever heard of a nation being born in one day. Israel by a resolution of the league of nations did just that in 1948.

we are already well past that day

this coming May, Israel will have been a nation for 60 years.

70 years will be 2018. and 70 years is usually consider a turning point in God's time frame.

God uses a 70 year time frame with Israel several times in history like Israel's exile to Babylon.

Reply:The parable of the fig tree, according to Jesus the Christ, is the 7 seasons. There are 6 seasons in which we labor, and 1 season in which we are given rest. The 7 seasons completed are an age. It is the time when one life is past onto another, when one age is past unto another age.

Jesus the Christ came during this time of season, during the 1st Time in Times, which was the last (7th) season of the 5th age, and the first (1st) season of the 6th age, the 2nd Time in Times.

To distinquish these ages and seasons apart, Jesus called the 7th season of the 5th age the Tribulation, The 6 seasons of labor lasted 42 generations or 1680 years. The 7th season lasted 7 generations or 280 years.

Jesus called the 7th season of the 6th age the Great Tribulation, the Time of the Fig Tree. The 6 seasons of labor lasted 42 generations or 1680 years. The 7th season lasted 7 generations or 280 years.

Thus said Jesus the Christ of the 5th Age.

9 And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held:

10 And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth? 11 And white robes were given unto every one of them; and it was said unto them, that they should rest yet for a little season, until their fellowservants also and their brethren, that should be killed as they were, should be fulfilled.

Rev 6:9-11 (KJV)

Thus said Jesus the Christ of the 6th Age.

12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;

13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casteth her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind.

14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places.

Rev 6:12-14 (KJV)

The Fig leave were the bombs falling from the airplanes during WWI %26amp; WWII, The heaven scroll is atomic bombs.

The Great Tribulation 60 million people were killed -- 6 million Jews, --- 620 thousand were killed in the American Civil war all in the name of Mammon in the Season of Rest, 1680 until 1960 AD, or 280 years or 7 little seasons, (7 each 40 year generations)
Reply:You need to look at all biblical references to the fig tree, in totality.

Then you need to analyze the history, see what actually happened, and work backwards, to put all the pieces of the puzzle together.

When you do that, you'll see that the fig tree does indeed represent Israel, that the apostles were given a "season" (40 years) to water and fertilize it (with the Gospel), and when the fig tree still failed to bear fruit (rejected Christ and the Gospel), it was plucked out by the roots, and burned (courtesy of the Romans, who sacked Jerusalem and burned the Temple to the ground, in the late SUMMER of 70 AD).

About the only thing the modern secular state of Israel has in common with the Israel of old, is it's continuing institutionalized persecution of Christians.
Reply:Jesus said : “Note the fig tree and all the other trees: When they are already in the bud, by observing it you know for yourselves that now the summer is near. In this way you also, when you see these things occurring, know that the kingdom of God is near.” (Luke 21:29-31) If we see one tree put out its leaves in midwinter because the weather is warm for a few days, we do not reason that summer has come, do we? But when we see all the trees budding and the days growing longer we know that summer has to be near. Likewise, when all the things that Jesus described take place, we can know for sure that Christ is on his heavenly throne and that his kingdom has, indeed, begun active rule.
Reply:The fig tree is representative of the Nation Israel. In 1948 Israel became a Nation again, this is: "The Blooming" and when Jesus talks about summer being near He is speaking of His return. So this is one way that we can know that we a closer then we have ever been to Coming of The Lord.
Reply:It's not a parable. What is so hard to understand that when a tree gets leaves that good weather is coming?

games hardware

How Could Jesus Get Pissed Off At A Fig Tree? Huh?

Jesus Curses the Fig Tree (Mark 11:12-14)

12 And on the morrow, when they were come from Bethany, he was hungry: 13 And seeing a fig tree afar off having leaves, he came, if haply he might find any thing thereon: and when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves; for the time of figs was not yet. 14 And Jesus answered and said unto it, No man eat fruit of thee hereafter for ever. And his disciples heard it. Compare: Matthew 21:18,19.

Can anyone explain 1) Why if Jesus could walk on water, heal the sick, make the blind see, feed multitudes with a fish and loaf of bread that he couldn't just make this darn fig tree bear some fruit for him to eat? 2) Why if Jesus was so just, would he punish the fig tree because it was not in season to bear fruit?

How Could Jesus Get Pissed Off At A Fig Tree? Huh?
..This, my friends, is why I'm not religious.
Reply:It sure is; I just find most of it doesn't make any sense is all. Lol...oh boy Report It

Reply:Jesus could be a real beech at times, eh? Wish I could do all that!
Reply:This was an acted parable. The record is there to teach us something, namely, that one should not pretend to be something else that he is not.
Reply:He was being human and hungry! So He put a curse on the tree for not feeding Him then...
Reply:Good question. Perhaps it was the Tree of Knowledge. Other than that it makes no sense at all.
Reply:LIKE THE CATHOLIC CHURCH, it has many branches but the fruit of it is not there because they are so decieved and pray to %26amp; worship mary.
Reply:Not to mention the unusual behavior of talking to a tree.
Reply:Its a figure of speech.
Reply:Jesus was obviously not a Fig Newton guy. Who can blame him really because it's weird to have seed in your cookies. Isn't that the really issue here what kind of cookie has seeds in it?
Reply:I believe that He was using the fig tree as an example of people who don't support their faith through works. The tree may have grown, but since it had no fruit, it didn't do any good. You see, a man may become saved, but if he doesn't do any good works than he is not doing the will of God. Many Christians are sent back up to God sooner because they do not do anything, they just waste their time, and don't tell anyone about Jesus or God. I believe that the fig tree was used as an example of those who don't serve God even though they are saved.
Reply:He was trying to prove a point to people about faith. Its just a stupid tree anyway.
Reply:Jesus simply used the fig tree as a metaphor for Israel and all of God's children not being prepared for his return in and out of season.

Yes, it was out of season. It was not normal for a fig tree to bear figs in the summer. But God said on numerous occasions throughout the scripture that "like summer snow" he will come like a thief in the night...etc.

His coming as the Messiah was unexpected by Israelites even though they knew all the prophecies concerning Jesus. They were not ready to accept Jesus as the Son of God...That's what he was talking about when he cursed the fig tree.

It wasn't really about the poor unsuspecting fig tree at all.

The Bible's Withering Fig Tree; What's going on here?

Did the tree that Jesus cursed wither immediately or overnight? (Matthew 21:19 and Mark 11:14,20)

*Immediately* (Matthew 21:19) - "Seeing a lone fig tree by the road, He came to it and found nothing on it except leaves only; and He said to it, "No longer shall there ever be any fruit from you." And at once the fig tree withered.

*Overnight* (Mark 11:14,20) - "He said to it, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again!" And His disciples were listening. . .20As they were passing by in the morning, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots up."

Is this a clear example of man imbuing magic into an ordinary man? Matthew and Mark both claimed to be there and see the same event. Who is lying?

Again, I ask: What's going on here?

The Bible's Withering Fig Tree; What's going on here?
Apparently the God Hates F*** people got it all wrong. God hates figs!
Reply:Clearly Jesus wasn't much of an environmentalist.

I think that Matthew probably heard about the story from Mark who heard about it from John who claimed in Revelations that Jesus would return before his death, then died.
Reply:What is going on here is humanity, sorry we are all human and perceive and notice things a bit differently than the human beside us.

What more than likely happened, as I was not there, is that one of the apostles wrote that he saw the tree dry up as they were standing there. Another apostle did not notice that the tree dried up until the next day.

We all have our attention diverted to different things going on simutaneously, there is nothing sinister or strange to find that two humans viewed or witnessed the same event and came away with two different perceptions of what happened, but both agreed that the tree withered up and died. The only matter up in the air is when each of them noticed that it happened.
Reply:probably both .. they probably saw it immediately and the next morning to ..
Reply:It would have stayed withered overnight. This doesn't necessarily contradict.

The weird thing about this is that supposedly perfect Jesus is showing some very human emotions, and taking them out on an innocent tree.
Reply:Jesus is showing His anger at religion without substance.
Reply:Two different descriptions of the same event. Have you ever asked two people that have been together all day what they did? You will get two different answers that are both completely accurate. Mark doesn't say that it happened over night, he only says that they saw it in the morning. Ever think that the point Mark was trying to make was that it was STILL withered in the morning proving what Christ said to be true? I have a black thumb and kill plants all the time, but they have an amazing ability to bounce back when given what they need. Perhaps Mark was pointing out that the tree hadn't recovered by morning. How long did you have to look to find that one? Do you really think that that weak of a point would make someone question the truth of the Bible?
Reply:Maybe Luke has the most authentic version and the other dudes twisted it around? It could be a famous parable that Jesus once repeated and Mark %26amp; Matt transposed Jesus into the parable?

From Luke 13

And he told them this parable: "There once was a person who had a fig tree planted in his orchard, and when he came in search of fruit on it but found none, he said to the gardener, 'For three years now I have come in search of fruit on this fig tree but have found none. (So) cut it down. Why should it exhaust the soil?' He said to him in reply, 'Sir, leave it for this year also, and I shall cultivate the ground around it and fertilize it; it may bear fruit in the future. If not you can cut it down.'"

Info on fig wasps...?

Now, I know all about their obligate mutualism with the fig flower but I'm wondering about a few other things.

-Do these wasps sting?

-Do they eat during their adult life? Or do they live on the reserves they accumulated as papae?

-What size are they? (must be pretty tiny to enter a fig's syconium)

I know the question is a bit complex but any information would be great.

Info on fig wasps...?
There are many different species of fig wasps. See:http://www.figweb.org/Fig_wasps/Who_are_... or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fig_wasp

Brittanica says there are about 900 species, each of which is specific to a species of fig.

Most of the wasps are relatively small - about 2 mm. See:


Most males die within the original fig (the one in which they hatched), after they fertilize the females. If they do emerge from the fig, they die soon afterwards. The females, once they emerge, immediately fly to another fig, and enter that one. So, they have very little time or opportunity to eat. See:


I can't find any specific inforemation about stingers. The site with the best pictures is the first, figweb one. They have pictures and drawings, but I believe the long extensions from the wasps' abdomens are the ovipositors.

The term "fig leaves", do people refer to that as "drugs"?

I guy at my work had stated about another co-worker saying "I think someone has been smokin' too many of those fig leaves"

What does that mean? What does the term "fig leaves" comes from, meaning is it another terminology used for something else?

The term "fig leaves", do people refer to that as "drugs"?
Well, when someone wants to reference marijuana, you can use a whole plethora of terms:

trees, ganja, weed, indo, grass, leaves, wacky-tabacky... you get the picture...

Fig leaves has other meanings besides the literal plant. It's usually referenced to being worn. This comes from paintings that picture Adam and Eve. Adam and Eve were both naked until they left the garden of eden, so to paint them 'naked' without offending anyone they drew in fig leaves to cover their private parts. It makes a very comical cliche and it's alluded to in modern art by using objects that resemble the aforementioned 'naughty-bits'.
Reply:I don't Know I swept some of my rug this Morning.
Reply:a politically correct of saying thier on drugs without actually saying that.


When I eat a fig am I also eating dead wasps?

There have been a lot of articles written about the fig wasp lately and how these minute creatures climb inside the fig to lay their eggs. I used to love figs but now I can't eat them without thinking that I am eating a bunch of dead miniature wasps. Can anyone tell me if the wasps do in fact die inside the fruit that we eventually eat? Gross!

When I eat a fig am I also eating dead wasps?
Fig wasps are apparently in some wild figs varieties but the figs you buy at the market are wasp-less. The wasps usually pollinate the figs but the market figs aren't pollinated. So unless you're eating figs that are growing wild there should be no wasps.
Reply:Not mine I grow them in my inclosed green house.

I never heard that before they probably inspect them for holes

and toss them .some apples have worms.....
Reply:Ewww. Cut them open first and look inside.

The Fig Tree...?

Why do so many people get upset about Jesus cursing the fig tree? Jesus was teaching a life lesson when he cursed the tree.

He healed the sick, raised the dead, cast out demons, not to mention that nice little deed he did on the cross and he’s remembered as being a big monster for cursing a fig tree?

I don’t get it. Please explain.

The Fig Tree...?
People don't realize that the fig tree was a real tree, but it was also a representation of a fruitless Christian.

The fig tree should have been in full bloom, yet it was barren.

People who count themselves as Christians because they are "good people" get offended and scared when they realize that Jesus EXPECTS fruit.

It is a natural byproduct of the water of the Holy Spirit.
Reply:You are correct. He was teaching a lesson. Mark 11;23. The confession of faith.

I Cr 13;8a

Happy New Year.
Reply:I don 't believe that the Fig Tree could have been cursed by Jesus ... However I might be wrong please include the verses that state so and the context.
Reply:It's all fiction anyway. It's not worth getting worked up about
Reply:Does it get any worse then this? No one can bring back the dead, demons don't exist, and "god" is f*cken cursing at a TREE!
Reply:People don't understand why Jesus would curse anything! Actually, he was doing it to illustrate a point about faith. Check the story in its full context.
Reply:The fig tree that would bear no fruit from that time forward forever, who is Old Testament Israel, is also the sign of the return of Jesus Christ when physical Israel reappears as the tree that bears leaves only, no fruit.

Matthew 21:19 And when he saw a fig tree in the way, he came to it, and found nothing thereon, but leaves only, and said unto it, Let no fruit grow on thee henceforward for ever. And presently the fig tree withered away.

Matthew 24:30 And then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven: and then shall all the tribes of the earth mourn, and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory.

31 And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect from the four winds, from one end of heaven to the other.

32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh:

33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.

Curtain Fig National Park, Queensland,Australia?

Could someone please help me with this?

I need to find the location of the Curtain Fig National Park in Queensland, could you please tell me the location, please also put the link or the site when you answer please.

Also, with the flora and fauna (plants and animals) found in the Curtain Fig National park. Please also state the link as well.

Thanks so much!

Curtain Fig National Park, Queensland,Australia?
Far North Queensland, on the Atherton Tablelands, approx 2 km from a small town called Yungaburra. you can ride a bike from the town to the Fig tree, and the tree is surrounded by Rainforest.
Reply:The Curtain Fig is just on the western outskirts of Yungaburra, on the Atherton Tableland, North Queensland. It is accessible from either Cairns -Kuranda -Mareeba-Atherton-Yungaburra via Kennedy Highway, or Cairns-Innisfail-Millaa Millaa-Yungaburra via Palmerston Highway.

Either route is very scenic with their own attractions. Go up one way %26amp; down the other, staying overnight at the historic Yungaburra hotel or plenty of B%26amp;Bs in Yungaburra.

A simple net search for "Curtain Fig" should reveal plenty of links %26amp; info.

Can fig trees grow in Colorado or is it too cold? Also, can you grow them indoors like lemon trees?

I really want a fig tree because I love figs, but I don't even know if it will grow here.

Can fig trees grow in Colorado or is it too cold? Also, can you grow them indoors like lemon trees?
Most fig trees cannot tolerate too much cold. There are some that will tolerate 5 degrees F. Let me get you the web sites, the last one has a link with Cold Hardy figs. I bought trees from them, they are good.
Reply:I suspect CO, like IL and ME, is too cold. But let me tell you about my Italian landlord in Chicago. We lived in a 2-flat; he lived upstairs. He had 3-4 fig trees in the back yard that produced profusely in summer. Come late fall, he dug them, wrapped the root ball in burlap, and stored them in an unheated garage over winter. Each spring, he planted them again. He had been doing this for years. They were the first ripe figs I had ever tasted and they were wonderful!

I doubt you could get the same results indoors for a number of reasons. But Mr. Miliaccio's method might be worth a try!


Sig fig question?

i dont really get the adding and subtracting the sig fig

for instance, 50-3.56

shouldnt it be just 50?

If so(or not), can you give me other examples associating with addition and subtraction?

same thing for multiplication and division

if you are multiplying

25.7*456.74= is the answer 111700?

If so (or not), can you give me other examples associating with multiplicatrion and division?thank tyou ( please explain to me easily, i dont really understand the sig fig)

thank you for your time

Sig fig question?
For addition/subtraction, your answer can only have the number of places to the right of the decimal as the number in the problem with the LEAST number of places past the decimal. Therefore, 50-3.56 would be 46 (zero places to the right of the decimal)

For multiplication/division, your answer can only have the number of significant figures as the number in the problem with the LEAST number of significant figures. So for 25.7*456.74, 25.7 only has 3 significant figures, so your answer can only have 3 significant figures. The answer would have to be 11700

Hope that helps
Reply:It can be very confusing. 50-3.56 will be 46. This is because in adding/subtracting you go by the number with the least amount of places after the decimal, not the least amount of significant digits. In this case, 50 has zero decimal places, so our answer will have zero decimal places.

In multiplying and dividing you use the number with the least amount of sig figs. In your case 25.7 only has the least amount, three, so our answer will only have three. 11700.

In this example the zeroes are only place holders and not sig figs. To eliminate the ambiguity, we use scientific notation. So, to show 11700 as having three sig figs, we show it as 1.17 X 10^4. The same for the 50 in the first example. Its really only one sig fig. The accurate way to show it would be 5X10^1.

Why did jesus curse the fig tree?

Mark 11:12-14, 19-25

The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard him say it.

When evening came, they went out of the city.

In the morning, as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter remembered and said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!"

Why did jesus curse the fig tree?
Chrisitans are told to go beyond the law, bearing fruit in season and out.
Reply:Well theres a lesson to be learned,

If God asks from you then you'd better deliver.

Thats why i worry about all the feckin eejits on here sometimes who think they are clever,they dont know what theyre saying,

And saying they are playing the devils advocate is no buy out clause either(clue,,God doesnt quite respect guile as much as we do)

Reply:Usually a fig tree bears fruit twice a year. you are right in saying that it was not the fig season yet, however, according to the scholars, the season of fig trees are just a month away. usually a fig tree with the a bountiful appearance of leaf suggests fruit bearing. The particular cursed Fig tree signifies that it might be early in its bearing of fruit than the rest of the trees for some trees bear fruit earlier than some. With the coming of many leaves, the fruit goes along with it. The fig was highly unusual since it has bear many leaves and not a single fruit with it. This is the reason why Jesus cursed the fig tree. he was displeased with the way the fig tree deceives people with its appearance of bountifulness. He is also using the Fig Tree as an example and a lesson for Israel's spiritual hypocrisy and fruitlessness.

The tale of the fig tree revealed,

Reply:The fig tree represented Israel , very few people from that country believed in Jesus that's why it died , representing unbelief
Reply:There were two reasons.

I'll tell of one.

The fig tree represented the Jewish religious system.
Reply:So I guess Newton's are out of the question.
Reply:Basically what those verses are saying is that faith without works is dead. One must produce fruit(good works)
Reply:It wasn't giving any fruit..and a tree that doesn't give fruit should be taken out.. Just like Christians that don't bear fruit..
Reply:he should have just gone to the store and got a fignewton like the rest of us when we are in a figgy mood:P
Reply:It was unproductive, as were the Israelites. They were to be ambassadors of God, and influence Gentiles to come to faith.
Reply:It was not bearing fruit. He is capable of doing it even today. He can say " You are done"
Reply:Jesus was teaching his disciples the importance of bearing fruit, and the consequences of not bearing the fruit. As Christians, (followers of Christ) we are to be daily bearing fruit, which includes witnessing to other people, sharing our faith, and sharing the Good News of God's love for them. Just as the fig tree was not bearing fruit, and therefore withered, if we as christians do not bear the kind of fruit that Christ desires of us, we to will face pruning, and discipline.
Reply:Jesus cursed the fig tree that represents the religion of the Jews who did the opposite of what God and Christ said. So god cut them off for ever and made The lord Jesus Christ the Head for HE is The TRUTH. He is the ONLY SANE ONE TO follow. All other human+being are all insane and are evil. By following Christ example only and learn to be GOOD like GOD your Father and stop following organized religions who all serve Satan --they will all perish but TRUTH shall reign.

You MUST go to the SOURCE to find The TRUTH.

Reply:An enacted parable describing Jesus' rejection at Jerusalem. The fig tree represented the Jewish nation. Its leaves were Judaism's outward religious observances. Lack of fruit stood for the rejection of Jesus, which would be followed by judgment.
Reply:Why that he cursed the tree when it is not fruit season yet?
Reply:good job!
Reply:Well gee... that was kind of unreasonable. The fig tree was not bare of fruit to spite the son of God... it was the wrong time of year.

I thought "He" didn't want any special treatment while on earth.

(note: this post is in a spirit of levity, nothing more)
Reply:Do be honest,I always kind of thought that story was apochrypha,i.e. an interpolation. It's not really consistent with His teachings.

Are fig newtons good for you?

also what is aspartame?

my friend and i are going on a diet and they are different. i went to her house a couple days ago and i saw her eat fig newtons. i said to her that fig newtons arent good for you and she said yea they are. so ....... r they.

also i see her drink diet coke with aspartame in it. isnt that bad for you too. also what is it?


Are fig newtons good for you?
The Fat free fig newtons are good for you as you're getting fruit and fiber. The regular ones are loaded with sugar. As for the Diet Coke, I'd suggest she just stop drinking the sodas all together as aspartame turns into formaldehyde when it's being broken down in the body. Tell her to drink water and tea instead.
Reply:Probably better than some other similiar items but it certainly isn't a health food. Appears to be high in calories and fat and sodium, etc. And Diet soft drinks are TERRIBLE for you!!! Better to drink none or even a regular soft drink rather than the diet.

Serving Size: 2 cookies (31 g)

Calories: 110

Calories from fat: 20

Total fat: 2.5 g

Cholesterol: 0 g

Saturated: 1 g

Polyunsaturated: 0 g

Monounsaturated: 1 g

Sodium: 120 mg

Total Carbohydrates: 20 g

Protein: 1 g

Dietary fibre: 1 g

Sugars: 13 g

Iron: 4 % RDA

Ingredients: enriched wheat flour (...), sugar, figs preserved with sulfur dioxide, vegetable shortening, corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, salt, whey, baking soda, yellow corn flour, potassium sorbate (to preserve freshness), artificial flavor
Reply:Better off eating real figs and water.

Anyone have a recipe for Fig bars like Fig Newtons? To make homemade? Like the healthy ones at whole foods?

does anyone have a recipe like this, the "fig newtons" brand fig bars are very sugary.

They're really healthy with little to no preservatives, sugar, etc at whole foods grocery store bakery department, just 100% fig paste and the dough around it?

Anyone have a recipe for Fig bars like Fig Newtons? To make homemade? Like the healthy ones at whole foods?

Preparation time: 30 minutes.

Cooking time: 10 minutes.

Baking time: 10 to 12 minutes.

Oven temperature: 375 degrees F.

Chilling time: 3 to 4 hours or overnight.

Children will love these fig bars that look and taste so much like the commercial product, only much better.


Fig Filling (recipe follows):

1/2 c. butter

1 c. brown sugar, packed

2 eggs

1 tsp. vanilla extract

2 1/2 c. all-purpose flour

1/2 tsp. each salt and baking soda

Finely chop 1 package (12 ounce) moist dried figs. Mix in saucepan with 1/4 cup sugar, 3/4 cup water and 2 tablespoons lemon juice. Place over medium heat. Cook, stirring, for 10 minutes or until thick and jam-like. Remove from heat. Cool. Cover and chill.

1. Prepare Fig Filling. Set aside.

2. With mixer, beat together butter, sugar, eggs and vanilla until well blended.

3. Mix flour, salt and baking soda. Stir into first mixture (dough will be stiff). Wrap in plastic wrap. Chill for 3 to 4 hours or overnight.

4. When ready to bake, turn dough out on lightly floured surface. Roll into a 14 by 12 inch rectangle. Cut into 4 strips 3 1/2 by 12 inches long.

5. Spoon filling evenly down center of strips. With spatula, turn in sides of strips. Press edges together to seal. Cut each strip into 10 pieces. Arrange seam side down on baking sheets.

6. Bake at 375 degrees F. for 10 to 12 minutes or until firm and lightly browned. Remove to racks to cool. Store airtight.

Tips: By chilling dough overnight, you will need much less flour to roll it out since it is less likely to stick to the surface.
Reply:To prepare the recipe previously submitted, my time-estimate is closer to 2 hours since the time spent to get out ingredients and equipment plus clean-up time should be included. How valuable is your time?


Anyone have a recipe for Fig bars like Fig Newtons? To make homemade? Like the healthy ones at whole foods?

does anyone have a recipe like this, the "fig newtons" brand fig bars are very sugary.

They're really healthy with little to no preservatives, sugar, etc at whole foods grocery store bakery department, just 100% fig paste and the dough around it?

Anyone have a recipe for Fig bars like Fig Newtons? To make homemade? Like the healthy ones at whole foods?
This is what i found for you i hope i was some help.

Reply:As far as I know, you can't buy the High Fructose that they are full of!
Reply:This still has sugar but ive substitued for spleda before it came out fine. great for dieters and diabetics


2 cups fig preserves

3/4 cup shortening

2 eggs

1 cup white sugar

2 cups all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon vanilla extract

1/2 teaspoon baking soda

2 teaspoons baking powder


Preheat oven to 375 degrees F (190 degrees C).

Cream together shortening, eggs, sugar, and vanilla. Sift flour, soda, and baking powder. Add to egg mixture.

Grease a small cookie sheet with shortening. Pour 1/2 of the dough into pan and spread.

Pour fig preserves over the dough and gently spread. Drop rest of dough over figs. Place in oven. When mixture starts to melt and gets soft, spread the top. Bake for 40 minutes. Cool and then cut into 24 bars.

That fig leaf?

A nun, badly needing to use the restroom, walked into a local Hooters.

The place was hopping with music and loud conversation and every

once in a while the lights would turn off.

Each time the lights would go out, the place would erupt into cheers.

However, when the revelers saw the nun, the room went dead silent.

She walked up to the bartender, and asked, "May I please use the restroom?

The bartender replied, "OK, but I should warn you that

there is a statue of a naked man in there wearing only a fig leaf."

"Well, in that case I'll just look the other way," said the nun.

So, the bartender showed the nun to the back of the restaurant,

and she preceded to the restroom. After a few minutes, she came back out,

and the whole place stopped just long enough to give the nun a loud round of applause.

She went to the bartender and said, "Sir, I don't understand!

Why did they applaud for me just because I went to the restroom?"

"Well, now they know you're one of us," said the bartender,

"Would you like a drink?"

"But, I still don't understand," said the puzzled nun.

"You see," laughed the bartender, "every time the fig leaf on the

statue is lifted up, the lights go out. Now, how about that drink?"

That fig leaf?
omg, you know i was in fancy dress and you swore you'd never tell anyone, pmsl hun

star time

Reply:great one hun,made me lol !!!*
Reply:lmao. i REALLY did not see that one coming!
Reply:hahahahaa. love it.
Reply:Omg rofl that is so funny
Reply:and they are supposed to be the good ones!!
Reply:Well, well!!

10/10 + *
Reply:bless the nun

love it, great.
Reply:i knew i should have left that fig leaf alone ...so now i know xx
Reply:Funny! 10!
Reply:ha ha ha funny

thanks for a laugh

Reply:The poor nun........... how embarrassing. LOL
Reply:Hahaha she peeked lol
Reply:Well it gives a new meaning to it now........ lmao
Reply:omg thats sooooooo funnny!!!!!!!!!!

I have a fig tree, When are figs ready to be picked?

I live in California and my neighbor has a fig tree that is growing into my yard. It has several figs growing on it, what should I be looking for when they are ready for picking?

I have a fig tree, When are figs ready to be picked?
Besides being soft to the touch and falling off the tree, you can watch for the birds, they will know when they are ready. When you pick one, it should easily fall off the tree in your hands. If you have to pull on it more than a little bit, it is not ready yet. And even if it is split on the bottom, it is still tasty. Watch for ants if it is split though.
Reply:if they're purple figs, really easy, just wait for them to get nice and purple, plump and soft. Then pick them.

If they're white figs, it's a little harder, but still not bad. Wait for them to lose their 'greenness' and they'll become a lighter shade of green, but the same rule applies. Wait for them to become plump and soft to the touch. If they split at the bottom, they're too ripe. Here in Virginia, we usually get to pick our figs at ripeness about the end of August or early September. Don't know about CA though.
Reply:look for taste! Pick one, cut it in half and give it a taste. Also if they are falling off the tree they are probably ready.

Fig Tree Problem?

What could make Bumblebees and Yellow jackets attack a fig tree and eat your figs.There is also a couple of wasp on my tree to.In all the 8 years since i had my tree this has never happen?

Fig Tree Problem?
I don't think it's the wasps or yellow jackets that are eating your figs. They only want the sugar in the figs. It's birds eating your figs. That is something you can do a little about. If the tree isn't too large, there is a plastic netting that will help keep birds out. I'm using one now and haven't lost a fig to birds yet. Also, if you pick your figs before they get extremely ripe, when they taste best anyway, you'll lower the attraction for insects. I get out early every morning and pick. You can buy the netting at Lowes or Home Depot or probably any large garden center.
Reply:figs are a food for insects, and there is not much that can be done to keep the hungry bugs away. if you spray the tree, you can't eat your figs, just try to chase the insects away and pick the fruit before any damage is done to them. good luck.
Reply:Just check this link and you will find your solution 100%



All the best,

If any querry dont hesitate to contact....

Take care...


Fig tree question?

My Fig tree has several small trees growing out of the underground root of my fig tree. How can I transplant these? Sure would appreciate any help you can give me.

Fig tree question?
the previous two answers are a shot in the dark. What you see are "suckers" growing from the original plant. Clip these close to the base. At your local lawn and garden center, buy some root toner, which is a powder based substance that you dip your plant in and it will help promote the root growth and developement. (Follow the directions on the container) In the holes in which you plan to transplant the suckers, make a generous hole and fill it with organic soil conditioner, one quarter cup of bone meal and one quarter cup of super phosphate, which can also be purchased from the lawn and garder center, probably on the same aisle as the root toner. Keep your new fig trees watered generously, and make sure you locate them where they will recieve adequate light. Enjoy your figs!
Reply:Well, the previous answerer didn't say how. I hope I can help. First either have your pot or your new hole ready to go. That way you can plop the plant right in with less time out of the ground = less shock. Try digging them out gently with a small shovel or trowel. You must get some rootball with roots attached. The best chance would be if the rootball holds together with some dirt. If the shoots are coming up from big sideways roots, you mught not get smaller roots attached to your transplant. Then it won't work. It's a do-it-and-see kinda thing. Good luck :-)
Reply:Yes you can. Also when you prune the tree in spring or summer's end you can stick a branch in soil sometimes and it will root with watering and sun.

Fig Question?

My buddy trimmed his fig tree and i have about 25 branches that are about 4 foot long, that i received in the first week of december and have kept them in a garbage pail with some water. I live in central new jersey which is between zone 6 and 7. How should I propagate these fig cuttings now that it is December and freezing weather ? I do have an unheated basement where the temperature is right about 45 degrees. Please advise me.

Fig Question?
Put them in some soil so that they can start growing roots.

Wrap them in blankets to keep them warm, and take them out to give them some light during the warmer parts of the day.

My dad grows figs and he leaves them outside in the snow in the winter by setting old panes of glass around it like a makeshift greenhouse, and completely covering the fig plant with dead leaves from fall. I guess it must work and keep it warm because it always survives.

Fig Trees? Am I likely to get any fruit in this climate?

Just bought a small fig tree from Homebase and it looks healthy. Am I likely to get any fruit from it? There were a couple of dead figs on the compost but they could have been from being cultivated in a green house so I am not sure.

I like in the UK.

Fig Trees? Am I likely to get any fruit in this climate?
Yes, but as everyone else has said, it depends where you are. If you live in the South West or South East - no problem, but figs can grow berserk - it's often a good idea to plant them in a big tub - a half barrel or something - to restrict the roots and encourage them to fruit. This way they don't get waterlogged either, which they don't like. South, or South West facing is best. Brown Turkey is the most reliable, but there is a white fig sold by some garden centres that fruits after a fashion but doesn't really taste of anything - hope you haven't got that one!
Reply:Yes, but they will do better if planted against a south-facing wall. Figs are greedy and, if you want them to fruit instead of just producing lots of leaves you will have to restrict the root run. Either grow it in a pot or,if you are planting it in a flower bed restrict how far the roots can go by inserting slates round it, about 8" away from the current root ball.

Next, if you get fruit forming next year, remove every one except pea sized fruits which will grow and mature to be pickable next year.

Good luck!
Reply:Yes, depends onthe type of frig tree though. I live in Hertforeshire and get lots of figs from my Brown Turkey tree. You don't get the two crops per year though and you have to remove the baby figs that are now on the tree.. They'll just rot on the tree. You must leave the tiny figs though, they're your next year's crop.

Did I say - the tree is outside, not in a greenhouse.
Reply:no you wont get eatable fruit in the UK
Reply:yes you should get fruit if the tree is planted near the house, out of cold winds. The fruit will take 2 seasons to develop, as it says above.
Reply:might be too cold.
Reply:no its way to hot here
Reply:Yes figs can be grown in this country. There is an article in the Home and Living section of todays Sunday Telegraph which explains how to do it

Is my fig tree ready?

I have a small fig tree in my yard I got at home depot. Does anyone know when the figs are ready to eat? It is about 2 feet high and has small figs on it they are green. Help! Ps I live in NJ what happens in winter?

Is my fig tree ready?
When the figs start to change in color from green to purple or brown will be a sign. Also they should be firm and soft at the same time. In NJ, you should wrap the tree in leaves and burlap in the winter frost from killing the the fig tree.
Reply:The figs will turn purplish tan and be soft. Watch the birds!


Fig rolls???????

How do they get the figs in the fig rolls?

Fig rolls???????
Stuff them in?
Reply:The machine that makes the cookie consists of a funnel within a funnel. The inner funnel contains the filling (in this case the fig jam), and the outer funnel contains the dough. The machine extrudes the filled cookie, which is then baked, cut into smaller pieces, and packaged. Some UK manufacturers including Jacobs and Crawfords slice the extruded shape before baking giving distinctive rounded ends to the fig rolls.

Does anyone have a fig tree? Or does anyone know about botany or genetics as it applies to botany?

I was just looking at my fig tree while I was watering it and I noticed that the leaves are different shapes. I was under the impression leaves on pretty much any tree come out pretty much uniform, but I counted three different shapes on my tree. Some are pretty much just broad flat leaves and some have a notch on the top on either side, the other variety had notches at the bottom as well as the top.

So my question is...

Anyone who has a fig tree, would you please inspect your leaves, purely as a curiosity interest.

I'm wondering if all fig trees are like this or if mine is a hybrid of some sort, maybe it's just a genetic mutation. Or maybe this is all perfectly normal in the realm of fig trees.

Thanks for your participation in my quest for useless knowledge. : )

Does anyone have a fig tree? Or does anyone know about botany or genetics as it applies to botany?
Good for you for a great question.

Leaves on most plants are different shapes from leaf to leaf and from species to species. A Norway Maple has a very different shaped leaves than a Japanese Maple.

The fig leaves you are describing are just fine and are common shapes for a fig tree. The leaves can look like mittens, gloves or tennis rackets. Same is true for any number of trees.

The study of plant forms is called "Taxonomy" and if you're really good at it you can tell what a tree species by looking at the leaves, the bark, the tree shape without leaves, or even the buds.

Sounds like you are interested in science...you asked a great question. Keep up the good work!

Bug Doc
Reply:Can you be more specific with what different shapes you see? Fig tree leaves are all lobed, but the number of lobes can differ from one leaf to the next (usually 3 to 7 lobes per leaf). So if that's what you're seeing, it's probably normal.
Reply:figs are like that

so are sassafrass trees

don't worry ........

...........................or get too excited.

welcome to nature

Morton fig?

Can you eat the figs of the morton fig tree? in australia.

I was told that morton bay figs where the type yo can not eat, I can not find anything to confirm that on the net, and I would love to pick abunch laying around a tree, please let me know.

Morton fig?
All figs are non poisonous but most taste like crap. The moreton bay fig falls into the later.

There are some very common but deadly plants out there so NEVER eat anything unless you are positive. The yellow oleander( also known as captian cook or cockfruit) will cause heart failure from eating one flower. The Indian licorice vine has a pretty seed. One seed is more than enough to kill a human.Some rain forrest fruits can leave you permantly blind.All grasses are edible. Most seaweeds are edible unless they taste to yukky to eat.

It's fruit is edible in the same way that cardboard is edible. You can eat the fruit and it won't have any adverse side effects, however it certainly doesn't have the flavour that the common fig has.

Are fig newtons somewhat healthy if...?

i need to gain weight...i have the fat free fig newtons though which are 90 calories for 2 of them...i need to gain weight but i am already on a 5000 calorie diet and i wanted some cookies or something but i dont want to eat too much more unhealthy cuz i already eat 650 calories worth of ice cream a day...BUT ARE THE FFAT FREE FIG NEWTONS HEALTHY? even if i wanted to lose weight, would they be good as a snack%26gt; do u dieters eat them? i want something thats junk but "healthy junk" if that makes sense...and besides that ice cream, i eat 4 tbs peanut butter ans 3 oz of nuts, drink boost plus, milk, and fruit juice, and gets lot of protein, complex carbs, and dairy and i do see a nutritionist(so i can eat all that ice cream!)...BUT ARE THE FIG NEWTONS MAKE ME GONNA GAIN HEALTHIER WEIGHT THEN SAY A CHIPS AHOY COOKIE? or just bad fat? ARE THEY MODERATLEY HEALTHY? when i can maintain my weight, are they still good or should i cut them out to maintain my weight?

Are fig newtons somewhat healthy if...?
your diet is already extremely unhealthy wether fat free sugar free or anything so go right ahead but if you really want to gain weight try eating less and more healthy cooked foods good protien and vegetables, eating more will not make you put on weight and im sure your experiencing that right now,it only speeds your metabolism, i gained 75 pounds by eating vegetables and protien only and of course execise. you will not gain wait unless u workout with weights


Fig Tree not producing?

My mom planted a fig tree over 10 yrs ago.It has yet to reach 4 ft.She started it from a cutting from my grandmother's fig tree.I looks healthy as far as the leaves and color.How long before it will actually produce figs?

Fig Tree not producing?
Reply:All a fig tree needs is a lot of sunshine and lots of water. That tree should be bigger than it is now and it should have been producing years ago. It may be planted too deep. The root flare needs to show. Check out www.dirtdoctor.com
Reply:We had the same problem, so I am going to share my solution with you ,fig trees need to be fed so I feed it with lots of water and Miracle Grow and now we do get figs!

Fig fruits and wasps?

If I pick a fig fruit off of a wild tree...say along the road someplace...then are there wasp eggs/dead male wasps in the fruit???? I have heard that the figs that they sell in grocery stores do not contain the wasps...but I was wondering if there are wasps in the wild kind....

Is pollination required for the fig "fruit" to form or not?

Fig fruits and wasps?
The male usually helps the female chew out of the fig but being flightless remains with the fig.

The fruit is partially grown when the wasp brings the pollen to fertilize it. The reason is only the right fig wasp will fit into the fig opening. Once the eggs are laid %26amp; the fig is fertilized they develop together. The figs will complete ripening after the female wasps have left.

Reply:The fig bee (Blastophaga psenes, in Latin) is neccessary to fruit set for fig. There is an exception: parthenocarpic fruit (It does not need pollination to fruit set).

If Jesus found the FIG tree bare, why didn't he just miracle some up?

The gospels of Matthew and Mark include an account of Jesus withering a fig tree. In (Matthew 21:18–22) and Mark (Mark 11:12–14 and Mark 20-24), Jesus and some associates are leaving Bethany when Jesus approaches a fig tree to collect fruit from it. Since it is the wrong season, there are no figs. Seeing this, Jesus curses the fig tree to never bear fruit again. In Mark, the next day Simon Peter notices that the fig tree has withered. In Matthew, the fig tree withers immediately and is noticed at that time by unnamed disciples.

If Jesus found the FIG tree bare, why didn't he just miracle some up?
Jesus could have whipped up some fig newtons,but chose to make a statement rather than a snack.

He was making a point concerning the spiritual state of the Jewish nation...I also see it as a type and shadow of the spiritual state of the church as well as individual believers...

"Every tree that bringeth not forth good "FRUIT", shall be cut down, and shall be cast into the fire"(not speaking of bonsai trees here...but rather the fruit produced in the life of professing believers....Yikes!!

Preach the word; be ready in "season and out of season"; reprove, rebuke, exhort, with great patience and instruction.

(((Dr. "Zizzapp in the house")))
Reply:IF he was a god, he was a bit vengeful.

IF he was not a god, the tree did not suffer at all.

Which is worse.
Reply:It is an example of the reward for denying to Christ that which all His creation is duty bound to provide. The example displays that He has expectations and is willing to reward those who deny Him. Even a date palm.
Reply:To show the disciples the power of words and what words can do
Reply:Jesus was obviously not above casting curses then. So much for his godly nature.
Reply:His gardener forgot to prune the bloomin' tree. His powers didn't work on unpruned trees.
Reply:We are here to do good. God needs our co-operation in doing good. He cannot force people to be good, otherwise they would not really be good. Real good is done for the love of Christ, who died for our sakes. If we do not do good, our bad consciences will wither us up in eternity.

Reply:I know how he feels. I can never get a good fig when I need one either.
Reply:Perhaps the fig tree was surrounded by kryponite. Anyway it was much easier to come back after dark and urinate on the fig tree.
Reply:Too much fiber.
Reply:Perhaps this is a parable to tell us that getting rid of trees is how best to deal with global warming.
Reply:Good idea...! Was Jesus smashed? It is possible by all that cursing! But did you notice that after that episode he goes around telling everybody, "learn the parable of the fig tree"... suddenly after that fiasco he became an expert on fig trees!...
Reply:to be a sign of israel
Reply:This account is an example of the results unfruitfulness in the life of a Christian. Just as Jesus cursed the unfruitful fig tree, so will unfruitful Christians. It is the responsibility of the believer to witness about Christ's love and sacrifice for sinful mankind. If we do not bear good fruit by sharing the gospel with others then everything else is for nothing. If Christ can go to Calvary for us how can we do less for His kingdom?

Reply:Figs are an analogy of people. Jer 24, There are two types of figs, good and bad.

If you notice the Fig tree had no fruit? So it is symbolic of the bad Figs/tares, they are cursed.
Reply:The tree was actually in season for figs, Jesus cursed it as an example to Jews who should have known the seasons and seen the Messiah was at hand but did not heed the signs and followed him
Reply:You need bible study. I cannot believe people actually think this has to do with a fig tree or um could this be another ...whats it called? Oh that's right...Parable that Jesus was so well known for telling.
Reply:God hates figs.
Reply:This was Jesus in a bad mood. Proves he was at least partly human.
Reply:This incident was an example to us...that an unfruitful life is not worth much...It is only good to be thrown into the fire (Hell).
Reply:It was an action-parable. Only some listen to his words, but very few know how to read Jesus' actions. The fig tree was the nation of Israel, the leaves were John the Baptist and the fruit was turning to God by their actions which they failed to do.

If you want the spoken equivalent to this parable, look in Matthew 3 where John the Baptist explains the same dynamic. Its still true today, I can see it all around me, peoples' lives wither if they do not respond to God positively in what they actually do, (not only in what they say).