Monday, November 16, 2009

When did Jacobs change the design of Fig Rolls?

Jacobs Fig Rolls used to have a ripple on the top now its smooth and more biscuit like. I feel cheated!

When did Jacobs change the design of Fig Rolls?
I don't ever remember Jacob's fig roles having ridges, but most other makes do.

I've been eating Jacobs fig roles regularly for nearly 20 years and do not like other makes I feel they are cheap alternatives.
Reply:now they have changed the cow, present cows don't have nipples.
Reply:I agree. Maybe if we get enough people to agree with this, we can get the ripples back.
Reply:maybe their ripple machine broke down,
Reply:Funnily enough I am just eating a fig roll (not Jacobs) what I would say just keep on feeling cheated because Jacobs are the best, ripples or no *ripples. Good job I typed *r and not *n, or I would have received yet another violation doubt.
Reply:They have to go and spoil everything don't they?
Reply:Oh the bastards!!
Reply:jacobs have changed his fig rolls!!!!!! me must be crackers.
Reply:i don't know but here's one for you i don't like figs but i like fig rolls don't know why that is
Reply:It is obvious - Ripples are just not fashionable anymore.

Jacobs have obviously become fashion victims!!!!!

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