Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Why did jesus curse the fig tree?

Mark 11:12-14, 19-25

The next day as they were leaving Bethany, Jesus was hungry. Seeing in the distance a fig tree in leaf, he went to find out if it had any fruit. When he reached it, he found nothing but leaves, because it was not the season for figs. Then he said to the tree, "May no one ever eat fruit from you again." And his disciples heard him say it.

When evening came, they went out of the city.

In the morning, as they went along, they saw the fig tree withered from the roots. Peter remembered and said to Jesus, "Rabbi, look! The fig tree you cursed has withered!"

Why did jesus curse the fig tree?
Chrisitans are told to go beyond the law, bearing fruit in season and out.
Reply:Well theres a lesson to be learned,

If God asks from you then you'd better deliver.

Thats why i worry about all the feckin eejits on here sometimes who think they are clever,they dont know what theyre saying,

And saying they are playing the devils advocate is no buy out clause either(clue,,God doesnt quite respect guile as much as we do)

Reply:Usually a fig tree bears fruit twice a year. you are right in saying that it was not the fig season yet, however, according to the scholars, the season of fig trees are just a month away. usually a fig tree with the a bountiful appearance of leaf suggests fruit bearing. The particular cursed Fig tree signifies that it might be early in its bearing of fruit than the rest of the trees for some trees bear fruit earlier than some. With the coming of many leaves, the fruit goes along with it. The fig was highly unusual since it has bear many leaves and not a single fruit with it. This is the reason why Jesus cursed the fig tree. he was displeased with the way the fig tree deceives people with its appearance of bountifulness. He is also using the Fig Tree as an example and a lesson for Israel's spiritual hypocrisy and fruitlessness.

The tale of the fig tree revealed,

Reply:The fig tree represented Israel , very few people from that country believed in Jesus that's why it died , representing unbelief
Reply:There were two reasons.

I'll tell of one.

The fig tree represented the Jewish religious system.
Reply:So I guess Newton's are out of the question.
Reply:Basically what those verses are saying is that faith without works is dead. One must produce fruit(good works)
Reply:It wasn't giving any fruit..and a tree that doesn't give fruit should be taken out.. Just like Christians that don't bear fruit..
Reply:he should have just gone to the store and got a fignewton like the rest of us when we are in a figgy mood:P
Reply:It was unproductive, as were the Israelites. They were to be ambassadors of God, and influence Gentiles to come to faith.
Reply:It was not bearing fruit. He is capable of doing it even today. He can say " You are done"
Reply:Jesus was teaching his disciples the importance of bearing fruit, and the consequences of not bearing the fruit. As Christians, (followers of Christ) we are to be daily bearing fruit, which includes witnessing to other people, sharing our faith, and sharing the Good News of God's love for them. Just as the fig tree was not bearing fruit, and therefore withered, if we as christians do not bear the kind of fruit that Christ desires of us, we to will face pruning, and discipline.
Reply:Jesus cursed the fig tree that represents the religion of the Jews who did the opposite of what God and Christ said. So god cut them off for ever and made The lord Jesus Christ the Head for HE is The TRUTH. He is the ONLY SANE ONE TO follow. All other human+being are all insane and are evil. By following Christ example only and learn to be GOOD like GOD your Father and stop following organized religions who all serve Satan --they will all perish but TRUTH shall reign.

You MUST go to the SOURCE to find The TRUTH.

Reply:An enacted parable describing Jesus' rejection at Jerusalem. The fig tree represented the Jewish nation. Its leaves were Judaism's outward religious observances. Lack of fruit stood for the rejection of Jesus, which would be followed by judgment.
Reply:Why that he cursed the tree when it is not fruit season yet?
Reply:good job!
Reply:Well gee... that was kind of unreasonable. The fig tree was not bare of fruit to spite the son of God... it was the wrong time of year.

I thought "He" didn't want any special treatment while on earth.

(note: this post is in a spirit of levity, nothing more)
Reply:Do be honest,I always kind of thought that story was apochrypha,i.e. an interpolation. It's not really consistent with His teachings.

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