Tuesday, April 28, 2009

If i bury a fig newton in fertilized ground water it and let it get plenty of sun will it grow into a fig tree

by fig newton i mean the cookies. and by grow into a tree i mean fig(the fruit)tree/bush

If i bury a fig newton in fertilized ground water it and let it get plenty of sun will it grow into a fig tree
No. The fig seeds were sterilized/killed by the cooking process. However, you might be able to get one to grow from seeds if you can find a store that sells fresh figs.

Good luck.
Reply:The seeds in the the newton filling have been cooked and therefor killed. It would be the same as trying to grow strawberries from strawberry jam...couldn't work.
Reply:No it will not grow a Fig tree but probably provide some animal who will dig it up a nice meal
Reply:I will have to go with no on this one. Although the "newton" has seeds in it they are not viable because of all the processing they have undergone. Figs are easy enough to grow by seed or small plant, no need to waste the incredible "newton".
Reply:You have got to be kidding me?
Reply:yea, it'll grow into a fig tree as will the sausage tree that my dog so conveniently buried next to it when he went into the garbage and found a sausage roll and decided to save it for another day...gosh, maybe we should try to bury a pint of milk to go with the cookies although it would require a different soil and while we're at it a cardboard can of biscuit dough to go with the sausage would be great too, no?

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