Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Fig tree question?

My Fig tree has several small trees growing out of the underground root of my fig tree. How can I transplant these? Sure would appreciate any help you can give me.

Fig tree question?
the previous two answers are a shot in the dark. What you see are "suckers" growing from the original plant. Clip these close to the base. At your local lawn and garden center, buy some root toner, which is a powder based substance that you dip your plant in and it will help promote the root growth and developement. (Follow the directions on the container) In the holes in which you plan to transplant the suckers, make a generous hole and fill it with organic soil conditioner, one quarter cup of bone meal and one quarter cup of super phosphate, which can also be purchased from the lawn and garder center, probably on the same aisle as the root toner. Keep your new fig trees watered generously, and make sure you locate them where they will recieve adequate light. Enjoy your figs!
Reply:Well, the previous answerer didn't say how. I hope I can help. First either have your pot or your new hole ready to go. That way you can plop the plant right in with less time out of the ground = less shock. Try digging them out gently with a small shovel or trowel. You must get some rootball with roots attached. The best chance would be if the rootball holds together with some dirt. If the shoots are coming up from big sideways roots, you mught not get smaller roots attached to your transplant. Then it won't work. It's a do-it-and-see kinda thing. Good luck :-)
Reply:Yes you can. Also when you prune the tree in spring or summer's end you can stick a branch in soil sometimes and it will root with watering and sun.

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