Friday, November 13, 2009

Do fig trees grow in ......?

Do fig trees grow in these States of the USA;

New York, Illinois, Ohiho, Iowa, Wisconsin and Michigan?

Do fig trees grow in ......?
They are slightly frost resistant, but if temperatures in your area dip lower than -10c (what is that 20F?) Then they need to be wrapped, or protected from the cold. I've even heard of old italian men digging a trench and laying the tree in it - below the frost line to protect it over the winter. You could grow one in a pot and move it inside a cold frame or something for the winter. My fig tree stays outside and does fine and I live in western Canada.
Reply:you can find them all over southern california...

Good eating. =)
Reply:i dont think so !
Reply:only if its in a green house.
Reply:I haven't seen them out here in the east coast or midwest, but my parents have bushels of them in california

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