Friday, May 21, 2010

Are Figs fattening?And how many calories are there in a fig?

And I was also wondering if you could tell me about the most fattening fruits and vegetables plz and thank you.=)

Are Figs fattening?And how many calories are there in a fig?
Figs are high in carbohydrates (sugars) can be fattening if you don't use the calories. A fruit snack about an hour before exercising is a really good idea!

Bananas are not fattening, but they have more carbs than watery fruits, and overweight people should count one banana as 2 servings of fruit.

The carbs are about the same in bananas and fresh figs. Figs are smaller than bananas, so one fig is still one serving of fruit :)

Fresh figs have 74cal.*,1% protein, 19% carbs, 3% fiber and 0,3% fat.

In comparison bananas have 89cal.*, 1% protein, 23% carbs, 3% fiber, 0,3% fat.

Dried figs have 249cal.*, 3% protein 64% carbs., 10% fiber, and 1% fat.

Are figs fattening? Only if you don't use the carb-energy ;)

*) Cal. per 100 grams or 3 ounces
Reply:Three figs, fresh or dried, contain about five grams of fibre. The soluble fibre contained in Figs can help people cut down on snacking because it causes nutrients to be absorbed more slowly, making people feel more satisfied after a meal. However, it should be remembered that Figs are high in calories(there are about 50 calories in a fig but they are highly nutricious). The only fruit I know of that is high in fat is the avocado. The average medium sized avocado contains about 30 grams of fat and 300 calories.

hope it helped :)
Reply:Figs are a good source of increasing hemoglobin

Fattening fruits are bananas

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