Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sig Fig help?

200 has 1 sigfig

200. has 3 sigfig

so is that saying on a 100 is the same as 1 since the two zeros aren't significant without the decimal?


and how many sig figs are in 1.004 x 10^5?

how about 100400?

Sig Fig help?
Man, tell me about it. I deal with sig sigs every day of my life, and I hate them SO FREAKING MUCH.

100 is not the same as 1. Sig figs are basically a way to make accurate measurements among the scientific community (remember, this includes internationalities). It's a way to make sure rounding does not affect the product (which is weird, because you think it does....but just go with me here...)

In 1.004 x 10^5 there are 4 sig figs

in 100400 there are also 4 sig figs

Middle zeros count.

End zeros dont.

Decimal zeros count.

Good luck bud, they will follow you the rest of your life.
Reply:They both have 4
Reply:6 significant numbers in 100400.

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