Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Sig Fig help and opinions?

200 has 1 sigfig

200. has 3 sigfig

so is that saying on a 100 is the same as 1 since the two zeros aren't significant without the decimal?


and how many sig figs are in 1.004 x 10^5?

how about 100400?

Sig Fig help and opinions?
200 only has 2 since it doesnt have a decimal

zeros only count if it is between nonzero numbers,,

-ex: 2007 . this has 4 sigfigs

zeros only count if it is after a decimal point

- ex: 20.0 this has 3 (think of it as being more precise so the .0 matters)

1.004 has 4 sigfigs (the scientific notations dont matter)

1004000 also has 4

however if it was 1004.000 then it would be 7

hope this helped :D
Reply:wow I just learned this and yes i hate them too. it makes no sense.


100400 has 4 sigs

and I am not to sure bout your oher question- wat are you asking??

for adding and subtracting you go by how many sigs are AFTER the decimal point. example- 7 + .66=8 (bc you round) NOT 7.66 bc 7 doesnt have anything bc there is no decimal point.

and 100 is not the same as 1. it just means that its not fo sure 100 since it isnt wirtten as 100. it measn it can be 99.99 or 100.1

HOpe i helped! good luck

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