Friday, May 21, 2010

Is cursing a fig tree something you would expect the king of the universe's kid to do or something the evil

wizard from Harry Potter would do?

Is cursing a fig tree something you would expect the king of the universe's kid to do or something the evil
It would have been sweet to see, in any case.

And you have to stop and consider the fact that this is the son of a God who had 42 children mauled by bears because they called Elisha a baldhead.
Reply:your point?
Reply:sure what ever makes you feel better with your superior than thou attitude.

Glad i could help
Reply:It was an example. Israel was always represented by the Fig tree. After three years of preaching ,Israel,the fig tree was bearing no fruit.He was showing what was going to happen in the future when in 70 A.D Roman destroys Jerusalem(withers the fig tree).
Reply:Just because you fail to see the lesson in that story doesn't mean it's dumb.

"This is why I speak to them in parables: Though seeing, they do not see; though hearing, they do not hear or understand. In them is fulfilled the prophecy of Isaiah: 'You will be ever hearing but never understanding; you will be ever seeing but never perceiving.' "

Matthew 13:13-14
Reply:Jesus did it as a parable.
Reply:Well, haven't you ever felt offended by a fig tree?

You know, just standing there with their roots in the ground, being all figgy and stuff...

I can't stand them!
Reply:Yes, Jesus came to earth at least partially to teach his disciples and move them to true worship. Most students of the Gospels recognize that Jesus routinely used illustrations to make his points.

.. ..(Matthew 13:34) Jesus spoke to the crowds by illustrations. Indeed, without an illustration he would not speak to them

Ironically, Jesus specifically noted that a reason for his illustrations was to confound troublemakers who sought to discredit Jesus.

.. ..(Mark 4:10-12) The twelve began questioning him on the illustrations. And [Jesus] proceeded to say to them: “To you [true Christians] the sacred secret of the kingdom of God has been given, but to those outside all things occur in illustrations, in order that, though looking, they may look and yet not see, and, though hearing, they may hear and yet not get the sense of it

.. ..(Matthew 13:11-13) [Jesus] said: “To you [humble disciples] it is granted to understand the sacred secrets of the kingdom of the heavens, but to those people [who are not humble] it is not granted. For whoever has [understanding], more will be given him and he will be made to abound; but whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. This is why I speak to them by the use of illustrations, because, looking, they look in vain, and hearing, they hear in vain, neither do they get the sense of it

So what illustrative purpose did it serve for Jesus to wither a fig tree that produced no fruit? The accounts at Mark chapter 11 and Matthew chapter 21 both note that the fig tree was displaying the type of leaves that should have been accompanied by additional evidence of fruit or perhaps even fruit itself. When Jesus saw the leaves without even a hint of fruit buds, Jesus recognized that the tree was barren and would never produce fruit. Thus, Jesus immediately did in a literal way with a literal tree what he had earlier prophesied would be performed in a figurative way with those ostensible worshippers who were more concerned with outward symbols of devotion than with the primary manifestations of godliness.

.. ..(Matthew 3:7-10) When [Jesus] caught sight of many of the Pharisees and Sadducees coming to the baptism, he said to them: “You offspring of vipers, who has intimated to you to flee from the coming wrath? So then produce fruit that befits repentance [rather than putting on a mere shown of being baptized]... Already the ax is lying at the root of the trees; every tree, then, that does not produce fine fruit is to be cut down

Just as a literal fig tree must produce meaningful fruit along with its ornamental leaves, so too true worshippers must do more than merely become baptized to please God and Christ.

.. ..(Matthew 21:19) [Jesus] caught sight of a fig tree by the road and went to it, but he found nothing on it except leaves only, and he said to it: “Let no fruit come from you anymore forever.” And the fig tree withered instantly.

.. ..(Luke 11:39) Now you Pharisees, you cleanse the outside of the cup and dish, but the inside of you is full of plunder and wickedness.
Reply:I never understood how the "benevolent and kind" Jesus could be so callous and whiny and destroy a tree for not giving him fruit. I mean seriously boohoo. it's a dam tree. curse it? that's just immature.
Reply:try to understand the deap meaning of this story, dont pretend to be dumb
Reply:I always hated that story, because it sounded so stupid to curse a tree.

Then I heard an explanation that helped it make some sense.

Apparently, the fig tree had the leaves a fig tree shows when it is bearing fruit, but it had no fruit. So Jesus cursed it.

The meaning is that if you claim to be a Christian and you bear no fruit, you suck. If you wear a Jesus lapel pin but you act like a jerk, Jesus curses you.
Reply:He cursed it in the Spring time, when it wouldn't be producing figs in any case. maybe jesus had off days like any of us, and just decided he would take it out on a tree, unlike His dad, who used to take his ire out on entire cities.... maybe we're better off with a God who gets pissed at fig trees rather than one that gets the hump with people who won't build altars to him?
Reply:Dadof4 is right with his answer, he was teaching his disciples by word and example,the way every true Christian should. (1) First lesson,You can ask God anything,according to his will, and he will grant it to you .(2) second lesson Jesus compared the nation of Israel to a fig tree,it wasn't producing any fruit, he cursed it and sure enough the fig tree withered, the same as did the nation of Israel,when the Romans destroyed it in 70 c.e. Important lessons for the apostles and any follower of Jesus, if we don't produce fruit from our preaching work,we could end up like a withered fig tree. But I also want to take this opportunity to make a point. Some Christians get surprised because Jesus cursed a fig tree. Imagine if the Bible said that Jesus during his ministry tortured children and people of all ages. more dramatic yet if he did it to sick children and young and old alike. Yet it does'nt bother their concsious to teach a sick doctrine, that says God is going to torture and torment people for all eternity


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