Friday, May 21, 2010

Remember when Jesus cursed the fig tree?

It wasn't even the right season for figs. What the hell was wrong with him?

Remember when Jesus cursed the fig tree?
He was having a bad hair day and took it out on a fig tree.
Reply:what has he got against figs just like a christian thay will hate anything
Reply:He was teaching!
Reply:so after all not everybody aren't so perfect he was of his own
Reply:He stubbed his toe, what else was he to do!
Reply:I was always told it was an apple at school, until the Christians put me right on here. Trouble is some said fig, others said pomegranate so I'm still no wiser.
Reply:The fig tree represented a certain people, and he was saying that the fig would not bare fruit, in other words would not be saved or bring others to be saved, untill the time was right. Jesus preached in parables a lot. Now you figure out who he was using the fig tree to represent.
Reply:Can I interest any Creationist in a fig...oh! who gives a fig?
Reply:When you Don't Produce, or Will not Produce or Cannot Produce, you will wither and die.

Ask alot of active working people who, when retired just stopped doing alot of things. Their work kept them producing, but when they Retired and started sitting around, they withered and died.

I know of a few.

You have to keep active in the Spiritman,in the Soul (mind, Mental Realm) in the Fleshly Man (human body).

Or you could wither.

Jesus didn't tell the Fig bush to die, HE told it you can't produce any more Fruit.
Reply:Because it beared no fruit!
Reply:The tree represents the man. When God calls him, the man must answer immediately, even if there isn't the "right season for figs". We must always be in the "right season" for following God. So, the fig tree is a man who doesn't love God and does not make anything good in his life.

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