Friday, May 21, 2010

How can I keep the birds from eating the figs on my fig tree?

The birds seem to eat parts of several figs at a time, causing a lot of waste ( and frustration on my part!)

How can I keep the birds from eating the figs on my fig tree?
try those large Tree nets
Reply:Mostly you need something to scare away the bids.

They get nervious of flashy moving things, Most professional orchards use streamers of sparlky tinsel like stuff. Wind chimes are also a decent substitute if you can't find those. Weather vanes may help a little, but I've never seen anyone put those ON a tree.

Setting up fake natural predators can also work sometimes. A few folks recommend the ceramic owls. I'd get one with the moving head if that's your plan. A lady I know swears by a large inflatable snake she puts in the tree, and moves around every other week or so. I've seen both in gardening stores.

Fake falcons or hawks might also work. I believe you can get these in "Kite" form somewhere, but you'll have to set them up every now and then, and if there's no wind you may be out of luck.
Reply:I know some people who will tie tin pie pans together to blow in the wind and make noise.

Good luck
Reply:Go to the home improvement store and buy netting to put over the plant so the birds cannot get to them. It is made for this purpose. It really works.


1 comment:

  1. Try putting netting over a 20-ft tree! If you can do it, the limbs will grow through it or push it up and create pockets for dead leaves and limbs, and then try getting it off!

    The owl didn't work, the snake didn't work; haven't tried the wind chimes or silver streamers or pie pans, but I'm working on it. Wayne
