Friday, May 21, 2010

Who puts the figs in the fig rolls???

Aliens do it,coz they have loads of arms and they can do it quicklier!(or so de little girl off de ad tells us!)

Who puts the figs in the fig rolls???
Dont be mean! My cats called fig! But dont think he puts figs in rolls!!!!!
Reply:He's called John, and he lives in Bristol.
Reply:The same guy who put the ram in the ram a lang a ding dong
Reply:the same person that put the bomp in the bomp-sh-bomp-sh-bomp
Reply:The fig roll people! Depends who makes them really doesn't it.
Reply:the figdoodlers!
Reply:jesus cursed the fig tree.
Reply:The people hired to work in the fig roll factory.
Reply:the oompa lumpas after Jonny Depp fired them
Reply:The figgy putter inners.
Reply:A machine.
Reply:Look at this webpage:
Reply:go figger.
Reply:DUH nature did, lol!
Reply:I do when I make my homemade ones! Who puts the pimento into the olives?
Reply:Mick the miller down at the bakery

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