Friday, May 21, 2010

Jesus chopped a fig tree, what happens if an atheist chops a fig tree in a forrest?

who can chop better? jesus or an atheist? i'm layin the smack down on jesus! hee-hee!

Jesus chopped a fig tree, what happens if an atheist chops a fig tree in a forrest?
Nobody will care...same thing that happens when an atheist tries to talk about God...nobody cares.
Reply:i would make fig neutons and sell them/eat them!!! WHOO HOO I JUST GOT MYSELF ALOT MORE FIG NEUTONS!!!
Reply:Would that be as in "Forrest", Forrest Gump?

Reply:Well if he's an Atheist chopping down fig trees in the Middle East, he gets his head chopped off.
Reply:they'd both have figs? ...what the hell, is this supposed to be deep?
Reply:He will have to answer to God.
Reply:jesus just spoke to it and it died i would like to see you do that with out him in you life you would have to chop it

and jesus killed it bc it was not lining up with the kingdom bc in the kingdon like in the garden of eve they trees and plants poduced all the time and that one wasnt so it wasnt in the kingdom and well bye bye
Reply:Sorry the same thing happens.....BOOM!!!
Reply:Eh, I used to have two fig trees in my yard at one of the houses I grew up in. I tried to eat the figs, because I always liked fig-newtons. But I was very disappointed in the texture and flavor of the figs, yuck. But I did not chop down the trees. So I don't know what would've happened if I had. LOL
Reply:there would be one less fig tree in the forest.
Reply:an agnostic wont be sure if heard the fig tree fall
Reply:a fig tree gets chopped?
Reply:you're an idiot--and not funny to boot.

Jesus never 'chopped' a fig tree. He cursed a fig tree and it died. The reason he cursed the fig tree was because it was fig season and the tree should've been bearing fruit. Instead, it bore no fruit. Jesus cursed it because it was not doing what God set it out to do in the world. It was following its own path.

Jesus meant this to be allegorical for us as Christians and the Kingdom of God. Those who don't do what the Lord wants us to do will be cursed and cast into the lake of fire. Those of us who seek the Lord's will and try with all our hearts to do His will will not suffer the same fate as the fig tree. Instead of being cursed and cast into the lake of fire we will get to spend eternity with the Lord.

If you're going to make fun of something---at least get the basic premise right.
Reply:I get to eat figs...
Reply:He kills a tree and that is not good.
Reply:He didn't chop it. He cursed it and it withered. If an atheist chops a fig tree Madelyn Murray O'hare appears and tells him he is headed to everlasting darkness like she is in now.
Reply:He wouldn't believe it fell unless it fell... on him.
Reply:If an atheist chops a fig tree in the forrest in our world today, present time, he wouldn't have to use an ax. The fig tree would not grow. A fig tree needs direct sunlight to grow. A forrest could not provide that. Please see the horticulture link.

I would guess that religion isn't the only thing an athiest doesn't believe in. Wow! Even Jesus knew that one. Guess that proves He's smarter than an athiest any old day.
Reply:You had better recheck your chopped Fig Tree because Jesus Never

chopped any trees.Jesus did curse a Fig Tree though.It could have

been a cherry Tree and I think it was Washington that did the chopping.

Answering the question if a atheist chopped a tree it probably fall

down if cut over half way through.

In Christ in Love,

Reply:It falls down with a swoosh
Reply:no one will hear if it falls

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