Friday, May 21, 2010

How do I make my fig tree grow away from my house?

It yeilds lots of figs every year but the biggest part of it is growing against my garage. Can I prune the big side and expect the small side to flourish? If so, how and when?

How do I make my fig tree grow away from my house?
You can prune the big side in small increments over a month or two and watch the small side carefully.

Keep the big side in shade as much as possible using tarps or building a temporary roof-like covering.

Add more sunlight to the side you want to grow since most plants bend toward sunlight. You can paint a sheet of plywood with white paint and set it to reflect sunlight on the small side.

Also, put a stake in the ground and tie a rope to the tree with pressure pulling away from the garage. Tighten the rope a little every weekend or two until the tree is leaning away from the garage.

Use moderation and make changes slowly for best results.

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