Friday, May 21, 2010

Can a Fig tree produce Olives? Can a Grapevine produce Figs? Can a Pagan Church be Christian?

The Catholic Church openly writes in its own Histories that it merged with the beliefs of the Pagans in the lands and cities it occupied by missioanry force.

Can a Fig tree produce Olives? Can a Grapevine produce Figs? Can a Pagan Church be Christian?
NO NO and NO. What book are u reading??????!!!!!
Reply:unfortunately for you, what you know of christianity all stems from catholicism.

i know. they are a cult like the jw's and mormons and they perform unholy ceremonies and sacreligious traditions. i know.

but consider this:

they are the tree. all other denominations are the fruit.

knowing this, there is only one thing you can conclude about your church. unless you want to negate scripture.
Reply:No never. Catholic church can never claim it is a Christian church. The church is a gathering of born again people worshipping God without any written rules controlled completely by Holy Spirit and also under the doctrines of BIBLE. All the other churches are only name sake christians. They grow biologically.

The real church grows spiritually
Reply:There are people who successfully combine pagan and christian beliefs and practices. One of my closest friends is a christian witch. So much of christianity depends on how you interpret the Bible and 'pagan' is such a broad term covering so many unrelated belief systems there are bound to be some that are compatible.
Reply:too bad the catholic church is the original christian church, and the so called christian churches are really the pagans.
Reply:"By their works shall ye know them" - or something like that. All I know is that in this world, discouraging people from using condoms is tantamount to mass murder. When you care more about theoretical life than living breathing humans, you've lost me.

I wish they'd stop using our Pagan symbols and holidays. They're making them look bad.
Reply:1) I'm not Catholic

2) My grandma is Catholic and she is the purest Christian I have ever met

3) I used to be anti-Popish but I have gained a lot of respect for the Catholics, both because of things they have done in history that people neglect, and also because they are the most devout people. Protestants are often only Christians on Sunday from 10 to 11 am, Catholics are more Christian every day.
Reply:Evil tree will always produce evil fruit..........good tree produce good fruit................

................... the avatar?


Who cares?
Reply:It's not just the Catholics.

If you're a Christian who celebrates Christmas with a Christmas tree and Easter with pretty colored eggs, then you're just as much of a figgy olive tree as the Catholics. Google the words "Pagan Christmas" and see what comes up, then do the same with "Pagan Easter".

Oh and while you're add it, Google "Yuletide and Pagan".

I think this is a case of the grape calling the olive a fig. ;)

Edit: One more really informative Googling you aught to try: "Mithraism Christianity". Enjoy!
Reply:satan is evil. where did he come from?

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