Sunday, May 16, 2010

Jesus is love but why did he curse the fig tree?

The fig tree had it coming.

Jesus is love but why did he curse the fig tree?
First of all when the Bible makes a statement that God is love it is talking about God the father.

So when you make a statement that Jesus is love I want to first clarify that Jesus is not God.

Once we have that cleared up and let us answer the curse of the fig tree.

When Jesus cursed the figtree he did it in a figurative manner.

In other words the figtree was not like a human and that it could be shamed or cursed from God himself, though but rather this was just symbolic.

And as to whether or not the figtree had it coming, well if Jesus cursed at, then obviously it did have it coming !
Reply:You and this first guy to answer are on the right track, IMO. I like this part of the gospel because it shows Jesus being very human and losing his temper. He was on his way to drive the money changers out of the temple, which could be viewed as righteous anger, but this poor fig tree suffered death in order to teach a rather small, brief lesson (covered in other parables) about the wages of not bearing fruit.

Reply:Jesus is love but why did he curse the fig tree?

Because Jesus Christ was not God?


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