Sunday, May 16, 2010

Where's the best place to buy a potted fig tree?

I live in central London but don't know much about gardening stores. Where sells good quality potted fig trees?

Where's the best place to buy a potted fig tree?
I've found the best place to buy a ficus (fig) is at a reputable nursery. They cost less and they are usually well cared for.

I'm sure there are very good nurseries in London. If not, check your phone book for a hortaculturist in your area. They will know where the best ones are.

Florists don't have the fertilizers ect. needed to care for a ficus for an extended period of time and any that have been in their shop for a while will be hard to keep healthy. They buy them from the nursery and double the price when they sell them to you.

Choose a plant with some new growth (lighter green leaves), and a sturdy trunk.

Don't set your new plant near any heat or air vents.

They like plenty of light but not direct light.

They will weep or loose leaves at first because they need to

get accostomed to their new home.

If you see any roots growing up out of the top of the soil or

growing out the drain holes, it's time to repot.

Never get a pot larger than 2 inches larger all the way around.

You may think larger pots save repotting but what happens

is the plant sends out thinner and weaker roots to fill the

space and provide a good anchor for it's self and

becomes weaker in the end.

Water once a week. Use enough water to thoroughly wet the

soil. do not leave it in standing water nor leave water

pooling on top. This causes root rot.

I hope this has helped.
Reply:At the store!!!!
Reply:I'd go to a nursery or home improvement store if I were you. A place like Home Depot's would be cheaper than a local nursery.

Thats the best place!!! for sure

Nah, I don;t know

good luck in your fig quest

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