Sunday, May 16, 2010

When is the best time to plant a fig tree,in what type soil and with what do I amend the soil.?

I have two fig trees growing indoors in pots and wish to plant them outdoors. I really need to know the best time to plant and what I should do to take care of them once I planted them outside.

When is the best time to plant a fig tree,in what type soil and with what do I amend the soil.?
We have a fig tree in a pot and that is where she will stay. She is outside all spring (after the last frost) and all summer and until the first frost. We are in the Northeast and the winters are harsh, so we just bring ole figgy in-in the fall and she does fine, a little water here and there.

She bears lots of fruit in the summer, and we will just re-pot her when the time comes.

Maybe they do better in a pot if you have 4 seasons, well at least like I do. Not sure what part of the world you are from....
Reply:In early spring is best time to put in the ground depending on your zone. Zones 6-10 you could put it in the ground almost anytime. Make sure to ammend the soil with a nice mulch.

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